
13 0 0

Due to a request this installment will not be satirical

Have you ever missed someone? Like have you ever had someone leave you in any way or form and you miss them so much it hurts? Or have you ever felt so strongly about a person that when they don't reach your expectations or they're not who you thought they were that you end up feeling dissapointed. Like if nothing you did matter. Like it all was just a waste of time.

Have you ever felt that way? Do you ever look back at a time when everything was great and the feeling of being alive was the best and regret how now you only wish you were dead? Maybe it's not the person you miss. Maybe you are over that person and maybe you miss that feeling. The feeling of meaning something to someone and knowing without a doubt that it's true.

Maybe you'll look everywhere for that feeling and no matter what you always feel empty inside because it never feels the same. You're never 100% convinced. You're too wary and jaded.

How can you believe anyone?

Why should you try to?

When will you start?

Is there truly someone there? Someone who truly understands?

When you feel like you gave your all why should you try again?

Because someone else said so? Hah.
Why should you listen to them?

I don't know...

How can you trust anyone?

I don't know...

You don't even care anymore, do you?

I don't know...

Why do you keep saying that? Stop dodging the question. Answer me.

Leave me alone...

You might as well end it right here right now.

I guess...

What do you mean you guess?

I don't know...

Stop that.

Stop what?

Stop trying to feel.


Just stop it.




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