The Girl That Saw

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Journal Entry:

12th January 1993

 I hate writing in this...thing. I neither have the time nor the patience. Yet, my grand dad always ensured that I did. On a weekly basis. As much as I always understood the reason, it frustrated me. Because I assure you, I am not the type of girl to keep journals. For a temporary lack of a better term, I’m just not that girly. I honestly have far more important things to concern myself with. Especially now. Now that grand dad has gone missing. My rock; my protection; the reason I am who and what I am today. Gone. Not that my grand mom was vacant, she was there every step of the way, but my grand dad had a certain set of skills that he passed on to me. And in using these skills, I would do everything I could to find him. And I prayed for the one who had him, for I did not know what I would do to him.

Two nights ago, I opened the door and climbed out of my lipstick red Viper across the street from the busy Japanese gentleman’s club. It was cold. The night sky was clear, thinning the air, causing the outside temperature to drop even lower. I threw my coat over my shoulders in my stride as I crossed the street on the way to the entrance. I drew nearer and noticed the doorman’s attention turn to me after he had responded to another on his headset. 

“Just keep it cool Kaida. He’s just a doorman,” came Alex’s voice through my headset hidden under my loose, mid-back length and jet black hair. I had been on edge ever since the news of my grand dad. Taking his advice, I inhaled deeply through my nose, and exhaled as I reached the doorman, giving off my charm, shaking the hair from my eyes to look seductively into his. This side of me just came naturally. 

“Can I help you?” He asked in Japanese. I hated it when they just assumed that I spoke the language just because I looked the part. I ignored it this time as I noticed his roaming eyes run up and down my outfit, barely visible through the front of the coat. In all honesty, my strapless red boob tube, black stockings and mini skirt, and knee high flat soled boots made me look like a high class call girl; and not to mention the fact that I looked older and taller than my age. It was no wonder his eyes started to hunger more than they questioned.

“Mr Nakamura told me to meet him here, but I’m late. I’m new,” I replied in English with still the same look. There was a new girl scheduled for that night, but laid unconscious in my trunk after I had gathered enough information about her job description.

His expression changed to suspicion as he glanced from my car back to me, “Nice car,” he said, now speaking English. 

“Oh,” and I giggled, “gift from a customer. Can barely afford the thing.” I looked him dead in the eye, trying to convince him of the lie. He eventually submitted.

“Girls go round back,” he said coldly. 

I glanced to the left where a gate stood open to the alley way that lead to the back entrance of the club. Pretending to ignore his tone, I stepped forward to move up close, “It’s so dark down there,” I said, using my girly voice, “And…you know what we can do in the dark. Don’t you…” I finished with a provocative smile, my eyes fixed upon his. Raising my hand slowly, I touched and ran my finger up his chest. Reaching the opening of his shirt, I gently caressed the skin on his chest. Blinking slowly, I activated my ability.

But I saw and heard nothing. No criminal intent, no anxiety, no negativity. Nothing. “Damit,” I thought. I was so sure that this club was the centre of intel about my grandfather. But, I still needed to get inside. I kept my cool, and waited for any type of response from him.

He gently pushed my hand away and repeated in a slower tone, “Girls…go round back.”

“All right,” I said turning to the gate, “Your loss.”

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