Chapter 10- lesson

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Before class begun I was at the gym earlier than usual. I was in my office planning out my newly semi-free schedule. I really didn’t have much to do after school now, maybe I’ll keep practicing anyways. Before I go to in depth I get interrupted by a nock. I swivel my chair towards the door and see Lacy standing at the door. I smile and motion for her to take a seat. Once she takes a seat I ask, “What are you doing here so early Lacy?”

“Oh I always come early I usually just stroll around but I saw your lights on and decided to chat,” she says.

“Okay so how are your other classes going? All I really know is that you are passing your classes and is an overall good student.”

“Well if you know all that then why ask how my classes are?”

“I asked how they were as in are they boring or exciting, is there good people in them or bad people it’s that kind of question.”

“Oh, um most of my classes are boring. The only thing in school that is really exciting is your after school training. The only class that is decent is history.”

“Why is that?”

Well, um I guess history is good to know and stuff but honestly. It is the people that make the class good. There is a lot of people that I know in the class and we all cause havoc in a good way in the class….most of the time,” she says with a smile.

“Well it is good at you enjoy at least a part of your day. Back when I was in middle school was always bored so caused my own enjoyment either causing mischief or just teaching my own lessons. On the occasion I would just ditch the class come here to the gym and train.”

“Really Brandon? I don’t really see you as the bad boy that ditches class and makes trouble.”

“Ask anyone I did it plenty of times. The reason why I didn’t get in trouble was because I knew what I was doing so the staff let me do as I pleased.”

“Wow, I will have to check it out. Were you always full of yourself?”

“I only represent what I can back up. Well it seems like people are coming in so let’s start getting ready.”  So Lacy, I, and a few others set up the mats and I pulled out two tables. I put my gear on one table and left the other one empty. Once everyone came in I started class.

“Good morning everyone! Today won’t be like usual, something is troubling me. I see that some of my students are putting forth their best efforts. So instead of talking to you all about conviction and that boring stuff. I will show you all what happens when you put forth effort. The new people that are standing behind me are my three extra students. They don’t have a regular class with me so in their own dedication they come after school just to be taught all the things you are being taught. They have excelled in their own studies as well as the arts. They have come so far as develop their own technique and the privilege of wielding weapons. So let me introduce you to Zade, Lacy, and Jade!” The three set forward and bow. After being given the signal they begin their examples. They first show off their moves with speed, agility, strength, and dexterity. After a minute of the warm up they face off against each other and spar. They move so elegantly that it seems almost like a deadly dance. Once I am satisfied with the look of awe on all of the student’s faces I give the signal to stop. They stop mid-combat bow and go to the table where they had set their gear on. The one I purposely left empty. They each take turns showing the class their weapon forms. Zade with his hook swords does his forms and tares up some straw dummies. Jade with her katars she swings, slashes, and stabs at the dummies causing quite a mess. Lacy does a mixture of fencing and good old hacking and slashing. Also some good bashes with her shield. After the three of them are done they look out to the crowd. All they can see is the look of absolute awe from the students and a look of proudness from me. They smile bow and the class breaks out of their stupor and gives them a big round of applause. This goes on for the rest of the day. The three get a break with my planning period and in between each period so they either go walk off for the five minutes or stay in the gym. After the second class we mix it up a bit. They demonstrate with the occasional flare or they fight each other with their weapons instead of showing them off. At the second to last class before they spar I jump in. To say they were shocked would be an understatement. We spared and it was an intense fight we ended right before the class ended. The four of us could hear them through the halls talking about what we did. In the last class I decided to do it with weapons. All in all it was an interesting way to end the day.

As the after school activities begin I give them a break. I tell them, “Good job today you three. Very good now you all deserve a break so after five minutes you can either relax here and do whatever here at the gym if you choose break day then tell me if you leave so I can supervise you. The second choice is you can go seek out your mentor and go see if they are open to teach you now. So I’ll be in my office come in and tell me your decision in five minutes regardless.” So Zade and Jade when to go see if their mentors are free but Lacy stayed behind.

“Well since you are the only one to stay what do you want to do? Something Fun?” I ask.

“Sure,” she replies.

“Okay follow me,” I say walking towards the elevator. Since students aren’t allowed underground unless supervised by staff it is a privilege to go down. Once down there I walk into my room and rummage through my drawers for my gadgets. In my spare time I actually invent or build things. After five minutes or scrounging my room I finally find what I am looking for.

“What is that,” she asks from my bed because she got bored of standing and looking at wreak my room.

“Oh this Lacy is something that is just grand,” I say holding my own personal hologram device. We walk down the halls. “Watch and see Lacy,” I tell her. Activating my hologram I create a duplicate of me that is so life like I would mistake it for me. It walks right in front of a couch. Abee sees the hologram and runs up at it about to give it a hug. She rushes through it and flip over the couch luckily catching her. Quickly wiping my prints off I run to the elevator Lacy gets in but in a stroke of genius I run to the door of Bradley and open it rolling it into his room. Jumping into the elevator it brings us above ground. We hurry into the gym and pretend to train. A few minutes later an angry looking Abee approaching. I pretend not to notice and keep practicing. She shoves me though. I stumble and look at her confusedly. She starts shouting about the incident. Being a master of faces I put on a look of confusion as I am laughing in the inside. After she is done I tell her I was training here the whole time Lacy nods vehemently confirming my alibi. She calms down and apologizes hugging me. I smile and suggest to her that we know a lot more sneakier people. She runs towards the elevator we see her go into the elevator with a look of murder. Once she is down we walk to the gym and collapse onto the floor dying of laughter also of a plan well executed. We compose ourselves after ten minutes and go into my office and just hang around. After a while though we see Bradley booking it through the gym with Abee following in pursuit. We give each other a look and break down laughing again. Before we know it activity time is over and we head our separate ways. The day ends with me feeling like I got a lot accomplished gave the students motivation to be better, gave the trio some time off, and pranked Abee. Good day indeed I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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