Chapter 12- insanity

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I look around seeing a sea of blood. I look horrified as I look again and see an exact replica of me. Except the difference between us is she is completely soaked in blood as well as his blades. He has a maniacal grin and eyes that send a chill throughout my entire body. “Long time no see a? We haven’t had this much fun since the war. How long has it been since you gave in to the urge? It is just so freeing and plus I could never tire of seeing so much blood especially since I caused it all,” he says as he stats laughing. The truly scary thing is it sounds so hollow you can’t help but feel scared out of you mind.

“After seeing me like how you are now I never want that ever again. After the war I shut down that part of myself and went on with my life. Never will I lose control like that ever. Now be gone with you I have more important things to deal with than you,” I say in a calm controlled icy voice.

“You think you can get rid of me! NO! You will never get rid of me. Whenever you go into combat I’m always there cheering on the bloodshed. Your mind is wavering. Be wary of it. For whenever you get caught up in a fight I will always be there ready to regain command. And when you finally lose it I will be there to rain blood and leave chaos in our wake. Death will be our constant companion can’t you imagine it? Wonderful right? Can’t wait till the day I am shaking in anticipation. Until then,” he says as he fades away laughing again.

“NO!” I say as I shoot up from my sleeping position. I realize it was all a dream but I have to fear what I saw. Will it truly happen again? No I think I have control of it. Even as I assure myself I can’t help but feel anxiety from the confrontation with him. I look down at my hands and see that I am shaking uncontrollably. I clam my left hand over my right hand in an attempt to stop shaking. It doesn’t help. This is bullshit I shouldn’t be afraid of myself. I suddenly become very angry. Trying to get a grip I look into my closet and pull out an outfit I haven’t seen in a very long time. It was the outfit I used in the early days of the war for stealth but I soon became to blood thirsty for stealth so I hung it up. The outfit I am now putting on is a tight black shirt and jeans. Over it is a light armor plate with a cloak attached. The cloak is long and flowing it is so black that it seems to be woven out of the shadows themselves. Also with the armor is a hood that hides everything above my mouth. For shoes I put on boots that allow me to run full speed and are very durable. As the last piece of the outfit can be interchangeable. I pull out a box and opening the box a selection of masks appear. For now I pick the least recognizable of the collection. It is a mask of midnight blue color and is designed to just allow me to see. No features on it except eye holes. The special thing about them thought is they can appear and disappear. They can either reveal my eyes or can slide in and I will be looking through glass that can show night vision or normal seeing. So overall both options are frightening. I slip on the mask as it snaps in like a glove straps completely securing it. I choose the normal glass option. Before I go I grab my gear that is also special to this outfit. Out of the closet I pull out a sheathed ninjato sword it straps onto my back. Lastly, scrounging through my closet I find it two Kamas. They are like tiny scythes but with an added kick of longs chains that pool at my feet. They are also very dark in color so in a dark environment you won’t see them coming. I wrap the ink colored chains around my arms and sheathe them on my shoulders when I run out of chain. Securing my weapons I crack open my door. Seeing no one is around I slip past the door and cling to the ceiling not wanting to be spotted by anything. Using the ceiling the whole way I reach the gym and use that exit I go so fast I think the cameras barely detected movement. Once outside a short distance to get to the high school. Well short in my opinion it is really a mile and a half away taking short cuts. I reach the high school and am relieved when I find it barren of people. I sneak into the back and activate the hidden parking lot button. Once in I look for my ride. I find it in the very back. It is a sleek black SUZUKI GSX - R 1000. Modified from the best engineers including myself we created the first silent running engine. Well not exactly but low enough to blend into the noise of the wild. Also built in stealth technology that makes it undetectable by anything. Not needing a helmet a start my motorcycle and head off closing the garage on my way out. I ride all the way out to the outskirts of our land and ride up to a place that I and only a hand full of others know about. I drive very deep into the woods until I reach a place where three fallen trees create a triangle. Stopping in the middle of the triangle I get off and touch the three points. Then I walk into the middle saying the code phrase and my log in phrase. After a few seconds scanners pop out of the trees and scan me and everything inside of the triangle. Identifying it is me and no one but me the slide back down and the ground beneath me shits then starts to descend. Stepping off the platform pulling my motorcycle with me the platform ascends. The motion censored lights activate illuminating the giant complex that I used to call home. You see this facility used to be a main outpost of that my faction used. I was trained, developed, and lived here for a very long time. Now that everything is canned we shut down this place. I am the only one around here that knows of this place so it is my own secluded hide out. I leaving my bike close to the entrance I take a trip down memory lane. I finally come to my destination my old room. I walk in flipping on the lights and I walk in. I come in contact with a mirror and get hit with a wave of nostalgia. Me with this costume on in this rooms makes me think of my very first mission. I did it in this very costume. Seems like just yesterday it happened. I plop down on the bad as a layer of dust shoots up. I look in the mirror again. I just stare at my reflection for a while just soaking it all in. After I’ve had enough I walk back out into the facility and walk to the very middle of it all. Once I get there I fall to the ground and look up at the ceiling. Has my life become anymore different than what it was when I was here? Sure I kill less and fight for a different cause but it is the same it’s for survival it always has been a voice whispers. Fuck, now I am just fighting with myself. Before I can go more in depth about it I hear a faint beeping coming from one of the rooms. I walk over to it and see it is the radar detection meaning that someone is around here. My mind goes into full on battle mode. Did someone follow me here? No impossible I would have spotted them. Then I think fuck, I haven’t touched any of these things in a while there might be a tracker on my stuff. I quickly run over to my motorcycle. I search everywhere and just as I am about to give up something catches my eye. I unhook the mainframe of the bike and see a red beacon it its wiring. Cursing at nothing in particular I rip it out and stomp on it disabling it. Deciding to get the drop on this person I use the stair case to get above ground. Once out I quickly scale a tree. Pausing to listen for their location I hear multiple braches being snapped and a string of curses for most of them. Whoever this is, is not a very good person for tracking. Vaulting from tree to tree I land silently on the tree limb directly above my follower. Quietly drawing my sword and judging the distance I jump down just as the person moves. Rolling the second I hit the ground to absorb impact. I spring up and am right behind the person now. I put my sword right under their chin and say in a deadly whisper, “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t slit your throat and coat the ground with your corpse and blood.”

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