Headcanons (Lloyd, Kai, and Morro style)

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Okay okay, here me out.

1) Kai and Morro are like, bros. They sing stuff together, they hug a lot, and even sometimes sleep in the same bed. Totally platonic though.

2) Lloyd and Morro just chill around the bounty pulling pranks on Nya or someone.

"Who put my bra in the freezer?!"

3) Nicknames. Kai likes to call Morro "Kitty," so Morro in turns calls him "Sparky."

"Sparky, I'm cold."
"Sorry about that, Kitty."
"You don't understand. HELP ME YOU SORRY FART."

4) Morro dyed his streak red. But only because it made Lloyd uncomfortable when it was green, and because he and Kai are buds (if you dive into Kai's hair, you will find a silver streak there somewhere).

5) The three of them just hang out at like, Starbucks or whatever, and playfully flirt with each other. And the clerks are all like, "Jesus Christ, just kiss already."

6) Jay calls them the Three Green Musketeers. Nya calls them idiots.


7) Morro is constantly cold. He just curls up to Kai like a cat (hence the nickname Kitty) and just purrs. Sometimes he even steals Kai's blanket just to stay warm.

8) Kai almost NEVER gets to do his laundry. Because of Lloyd's prank way back when we didn't need kill a character off every season, Zane will never let Kai do his laundry. There's only ONE day every month when he can, and so he washes ALL of his clothes, resulting in him stealing some of Morro's clothes.

"But what if there's a villain and you don't have your gi?"
"Eh, we're off season. There's no villain yet. Plus, it's the weekend."

9) The three of them start like a band. Morro on either acoustic guitar, violin, or piano, Kai on acoustic guitar or electric guitar, and Lloyd on either drums, or piano. All three of them sing.

"🎵You say there's nothing to fight for!🎵"

10) Lloyd and Morro yell at Kai for sleeping all of the time.

"For the love of all things green, wake up!"
*incoherent noises*
"Do it or I'm taking your phone away."

11) Morro is slightly anorexic. He doesn't always finish eating, and trains too constantly. Kai and Lloyd eventually noticed this, and had an eating contest with him (because he doesn't give up, turn down a challenge, yada yada yada) and afterwards, they just like, tell him what they were doing and he thanks them.

12) Morro has constant nightmares of being in the Cursed Realm. So whenever he and Kai sleep together, he always has a hand on his shirt, because Kai wakes him up.

13) Kai just sort of randomly pisses Wu off. Morro helps. They're like a little tag team. Lloyd's the camera man.

14) Kai secretly wears glasses. They're huge, black glasses, and he is only okay with wearing them whenever he's alone with Morro or Lloyd.

15) Kai isn't allowed to drink alcohol (because he's fire and all that) so he's insanely obsessed with energy drinks. His favorite is the fair punch Rockstar.

16) Morro has a tattoo on his wrist that says, "It's Downhill Not Across," in like, Copperplate font. Lloyd tries hot to bring this up, but Kai just sort of is chill with it. He even asked one time if he could get a matching one.

17) Morro convinced Kai to get his ears gauged (currently rocking red size 10 tunnels) and they're both trying to get Lloyd to at least pierce his.

"It only hurts for like, a second!"
"But it still hurts!"

18) Kai watches Gravity Falls.

19) Kai sends them both random memes. Or political jokes.

K: #MakeAmericaDankAgain
M: #ShutTheFuckUpI'mStillCrying

K: So I just sort of... killed someone.
L: WTF?! WHO?!
K: Well, I mean I'm about to.
K: What does Dipper Pines say?
L: ???
K: I'm pining for them puns.
L: I'm dying.
K: Yeah, but I can hear you laughing in your room.

*Lloyd then screams fuck you out loud*

20) Morro was constantly saying that as revenge for letting him fall off a cliff when in Lloyd's body, that he was gonna throw Kai off a cliff. Everyone thought he was joking until one day he brought Kai back with a sprained ankle, a broken arm, bloody nose, and a busted lip.

"Told you."
"Piss off."


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