Little checkered notebook

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"Maddy! Madison!" Brendan shrieks as he violently rouses me from sleep.

"What?" I ask disoriented, not wanting to be awoken in such a manner. 

With no answer I sleepily open my eyes glancing up at my panicky boyfriend. As he continues to stay quiet I push myself up into a slouched seated position, rubbing my heavy eyes. "What's wrong Brendan?" I aggressively question, now irritated.

As if he has been holding in a deep dark secret Brandon blurts out "James is outside our front door with a fucking gun!" Brandon anxiously explains to me as he glances from me to my bedroom window.

"Excuse me?! What!? Are the doors locked?" I viciously shoot back before hastily getting out of bed and sprinting over to my open window. 

I can slightly see James' thin tall figure awkwardly standing at our wooden front door. The boy must of heard me because he suddenly turns towards my window; shadows illuminating his frail face. Frozen in fear I watch as James bolts towards the little two panel window, his gun quivering in his left hand as he runs.

Brendan quickly grabs my sweaty hand and pulls me away from danger into the dimly lit kitchen. As we frantically enter the kitchen we both snatch up the biggest knife we own in hopes they would provide us from protection. An aggressively loud gunshot rings out to our right as the sound of shattering glass ricochets from my room.

"Fuck! Call the police Brendan!" I harshly shove him towards the old timey phone that sits motionless on the marble counter behind us. 

Confused and terrified I stand next to my shaking boyfriend as he holds the phone in his trembling hands. What the hell is going on? Why is James doing this to us? Is it because I picked his brother over him. Is that selfish to think? Maybe he just hates me and his brother? 

Another booming gunshot echoes out along with more shattering glass. This time, the tumultuous noise comes from the living room on our left. Out of involuntary alarm I slightly jump grabbing my boyfriend's burly arm, pulling him closer to me.

"I'm really scared Brandon," I whimper softly, tears welling up in my weary eyes.

"You're okay Maddy." Brendan fearfully coos trying to reassure me.

Brandon starts to finally dial 911 as I cling to his arm for dear life. A spray of gunshots pulsate through the still air as I listen to the dial tone. 

"Fuck Brendan, I don't want to die!" I squeal like a terrified pig. My words are broken and weak making me sound more scared than I am.  

He dismissively waves his left hand at me to be quiet as we both hear the undeniable sound of glass shards being crushed under someone's heavy boots. I can see the phone shaking in Brandon's hand as he simultaneously tried to keep me calm and talk to the dispatcher.

The flash of a bullet flies dangerously close to my head, burrowing itself into Brendan's chest. I lurch back as Brendan weakly sinks to the tile floor. 

I slowly and cautiously look over at the gun wielding monster only to see the devil stares back at me through his jade eyes. James brings his gun up again letting it naturally sit in his hands, pointing it towards me, and pulling the trigger a second time.

I instinctively drop to the floor where Brendan lay bleeding out. Thick dark red blood soaks through his white pajama shirt; his bright blue eyes begin fading to a lifeless gray.

"Fuck, B, don't do this!" I set my quivering hands over the rather large entry wound on his chest, in a vein attempt to stop the ever flowing blood.

James' heavy footsteps pound on the tile floor as he slowly approaches us from the other side of the kitchen. The way he was approaching us sounds almost as if he was stalking prey. 

When he gets close enough to my shaking figure he gazes down at me, shards of glass embedded in his curly brown hair. His smile goes from ear to ear almost like the Joker.

"I couldn't wait for this day" James wackily cackles, glaring daggers down at me. He points the nose of his gun towards my forehead and pulls the trigger.

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"Maddy, yo Maddy." James yells from down the hall.

"Yeah! I'm almost done," I holler back, startled by his loud voice. My heart races as I close the checkered black and white notebook that lay sprawled open on James' desk.

"Whatcha got there Maddy?" His low gravelly voice booms behind me making every inch of my skin crawl.

I nervously shoot around quickly to face James tall lanky figure that stands in his doorway.

"Nothing!" I yelp frightened.

James moves closer to me cocking his head to the side like a confused puppy, "What do you have in your hands, Madison?".

"N–Nothing" I repeat.

He keeps moving closer to me, as I stand idle. James leans in, hovering above my face reaching behind my back to grab the notebook.

"Oh Maddy, you shouldn't have read that," he snarls "Cause now I have to rewrite the story." 

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