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This is My Ever After High! Where all royalty ponies go to school amd when the time is right, they go forth and declare to Equestria that they are ready to be the next kings, queens, prince, and princesses. Crescent, in the other hoof, is not ready. In fact, she is shaking right now. She is nervous about her first day in school. You see, Crescent was castleschooled for as long as she could remember. Her cousin, Skyla, daughter of Princess Cadance has been at a school ever since she was 4, so she's chill with it.

"Crescent!", shouted Skyla, "we are going to be late!". " Coming!!", shouted Crescent, " be there in a sec". " You don't want to be late for school, do you?" , wondered Skyla. For Skyla is always curious about her cousin, Crescent. " Ready!" shouted Crescent. " Finally", said Skyla," I thought your room gobbled you up" she said chuckling. "Whatever" said Crescent rolling her eyes at her.

After 5 petty arguements, Skyla and Crescent finally arrived. " Here we are!" , said Skyla with a smile, she was always  proud of her school. " Yeah,said Crescent, for she was in disbelief that she is actually going to a real school. " Come on" said Skyla," I'll introduce you to my friends".  "I' m not so sure" , said Crescent, looking at the ground, " I'll just make my own friends, I promise, I just don't want to cause any trouble." " Suit yourself", said Skyla,"Just don't come running to me because you have no one to talk to".

So far so good on my new job. Hey!! my name is Sofhie Kayol. I think I will rate chapter 1 with ❤️❤️❤️.

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