First Period: Math

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Crescent is now walking down the halls on her new school, still in disbelief that she is at a school. "Room 101" she keeps mumbling really quietly, "room 101". "Looking for room 101" said a voice, Crescent was startled, "ahh!!" she screamed.
She turned around and saw a colt, her age, with blue hair like the sky. "Sorry, My name is Drew Chuck, yours??" said the colt with a smile. "Crescent" she said, she too smiled, why did I smile? What's wrong with me?? Ahh!! Stop smiling Crescent.. STOP!! " Are you okay?" said Drew Chuck, "you seem a bit dizzy?" " What me?"said Crescent while twirling her hair, " Im fine, really " , and then it happened. She tooted, just a little bit, but it was still loud . "Uhh..well you know,I can show you room 101",said Drew Chuck trying not to laugh at Crescent's toot. "Thanks," said Crescent who was blushing like a red apple.

After 3 minutes, Drew Chuck and Crescent finally arrived at room 101, "thanks", she said, "dont know what I'll do without you" . "Oh I dont know, maybe you will be at detention and probably rewriting the whole dictionary" said Drew Chuck.  

"Welcome Crescent" said the teacher, " my name is Mrs. Ducksworth" . "Please sit down next to Princess Twilight's daughter, Shooting Star"." Shooting Star please raise up your hoof", Shooting Star raised her hoof with such a welcoming smile.

When Crescent sat down, Mrs.Ducksworth did some algebra excersises. It was really easy to Crescent, for she liked math for some odd reason. Shooting Star passed a note to her, it said " Hey, I don't know what question b is, can you help me?" "Sure, its 24" when Crescent passed to Shooting Star, she suddenly shouted that Crescent was looking off her.
Oh crud! Crescent thought, I'm  doomed!!.

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