(Marrage prt 5) The end of the party

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Aphmau's point of view
After the food came and a few more songs played I checked the clock. "2:36!!" I said out loud. "What its that late?!" Aaron said. "Yes omi!" Most people had left it was just Aaron and all the gang and I. "I think we should all go to bed. " I said to Aaron. "Good idea Aph." Aaron responded. Aaron went and grabbed the microphone. "Hey everyone we should go to bed... So good night." He said into the mic, after that everyone one went to their room. Since we had the wedding party at a hotel our rooms were in the same building. Arron and I started to walk up to our room. We got into the elevator and started ascending to the floor our room was on. "Hey Aph." Said Aaron. "What's up?" I responded. He pulled me into a passionate kiss after he said. "I'm so glad we're married." We kiss until we reached our floor. We walked to our room and unlocked the door. I walked in Aaron behind me. "I'm glad we can sleep, I'm pretty pooped." I giggled. "Me to." He responded. I took off my cosplay and got into PJs and so did Aaron. We lied in bed and cuddled. Aaron looked at me with lust full eyes. I kissed him and he kisses back. "Aaron?" I spoke after the kiss was broken. "Yeah." He responded. "D-did you mean it when you asked me if I-I wanted to have a c-child with y-you?...." I said blushing a harsh shade of red. "Of course I did. Why wouldn't I want such a pretty woman to have my child~." He whispered in my ear. I blushed even more. "A-are you trying to seduce me?" I asked in embarrassment. "Maybe~." He teased. "Aaron don't tease me like that..," I pouted. He chuckled as he pulled my head into his chest. "You're mine now and only mine." He said. "Same with you..." I responded barring my face in his chest. "Gosh you're adorable when you're face is in my chest." He said looking down at me. "I-I do?" I asked. "Yeah." He said starting to rub my back.

Please read!
I know, I know... "why haven't you been uploading?!?" "Why was the chapter so short?!?" " upload more!"
I made the chapter short because I wanted to ask before I did this.... Do you guys want me to write a lemon for when they make the child? Or just wright a before and after. I don't know what ya'll are good with, so I wanted to ask first. Comment down below what you guys want me to do please. And if you don't want it and it happens anyway I'll give a warning so you can just skip through it.
I haven't been uploading because I'm still dealing with the hole moving thing. It's gotten better but I still don't have my interests in the Aph fandom anymore. Honestly the fandom and videos started down grading they're not as good as they used to be. That's also why I haven't really gotten an interest in the series agin.
Thank you to all of you who have been looking out for me. I really appreciate it. Love you all so much. Thank you.

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