Kira Allé Kyng

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Name: Kira Allé Kyng

Nicknames/Aliases: Kia, Kara, Kat, The Shredded Queen

Age: same as Sora

Height: 5'6-5'9

Weight: Girls don't tell their weight, duh! 😜

Likes (as Kira): same as Sora, except she likes girls more prominently then guys, and she loves dressing as a neko.

Dislikes (as Kira): everything Sora dislikes, except she is more sensitive to harsh language and being talked down to.

Likes (as Shi): Everything Syn likes, except she LOVES bathing in the blood of her victims.

Dislikes: everything Syn dislikes, except she isn't as harsh to others unless it's needed.

Bio: She is the result of Sora's Gender swap ability, so not much has changed, like sora, she has a prominent UK accent, often using words like "love". She has a tendency to fall into traps by being gullible and overly nice and kind, yet she keeps her innocence just as sora normally does. She's a real pervert towards females, and even a few males, although she doesn't mess with males as often, claiming they have "No puzzle to them, like opening a book and reading all of its pages, unlike women, who have a bit of mystery and drama that a girl's gotta love at times.".

(If you haven't seen Sora as his male form, look for Surota Allé Kyng, or ask the creator to point you in the right direction.

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