1 • internet friends

206 10 4

It was midnight, and as always, Emil was messaging his best and only friend.

leon.succ: I wish we could meet up sometime

His name was Leon, and he was from Hong Kong. He had four siblings: Mei, Lien, Tai, and Im. His biological father and his mom had divorced about a year after he was born, and his mother got to take care of him. She went on to discover that she was bisexual, and got a beautiful Russian girlfriend. The two eventually adopted three more children. Emil didn't really know more about Leon's family, but could probably write a novel of other facts about him.

emil.iatan: same, but i don't know if my parents would let me :^)
emil.iatan: rip me :,^)

Emil was born in Iceland. However, he lived in Norway with his sister, Lovise, and their parents, Elise and Geir. Elise was a Norwegian woman with light hair and purple eyes, while their Icelandic father had blue eyes and gray, formerly dirty blonde, hair. Their kids were therefore half-Icelandic half-Norwegian, and could speak both languages fluently. Emil had purple eyes and straight, light blonde hair, which he had coloured silver, while Lovise had blue eyes and similar-coloured hair. However, her hair was wavy; she got this feature from her mother.

leon.succ: you gotta have hope, make your fave proud
emil.iatan: please bless me and let me meet Leon, ultimate mop
leon.succ: m(h)op(e)
emil.iatan: bagels
leon.succ: lol hoe
leon.succ: hope*
leon.succ: I swear I wrote hope
emil.iatan: hoe

Emil giggled inaudibly.

leon.succ: stop
emil.iatan: I'm always a hoe for hope
leon.succ: stop
leon.succ: anyway I've gtg to school so see ya
emil.iatan: k, i should probably get some sleep lol
leon.succ: sleep tight
emil.iatan: will try, bye
leon.succ: bye bye
emil.iatan: yesterday
leon.succ: hahah
leon.succ: okay for real bye
emil.iatan: bye

He yawned, turned off his phone, and went to sleep.

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