3 • no place like...

147 9 7

(A/N: now watch me whip now watch me procrastinate updating a fanfiction as practically no one reads it which is understandable because I've written only three chapters including this one but attention and support is still the only thing that can fuel me and I give up almost immediately when something I write doesn't get an unrealistic amount of attention and I know no one/few people will read this but I'm sorry that I never update any of my shitty fics but anyways I should shut up now)

On June 17th, Emil was awoken by his family singing a birthday song to him.
Gratulerer med da'n,
gratulerer med da'n,
gratulerer, kjære Emil!
Gratulerer med da'n!
They finished the song with an applause. Emil could feel himself blushing. Being singed to was probably the most awkward thing a human could experience.
"God morgen", Lovise said. ("Good morning"). She sounded like she was in a good mood.
Emil yawned. "God morgen."
He was handed a big, light pink envelope by his smiling mom. "Her, jeg anbefaler å åpne denne gaven nå." ("Here, I recommend opening this gift now.")
Emil was a little bit confused, but did as she said. He opened it, and opened it. Inside, there was a letter, which he quickly pulled out. He read what it said, and gasped.
"Skal vi dra til London!?" ("Are we going to London!?")
"Ja!" Elise smiled. ("Yes!")
Emil looked at her, feeling excited. "Når?" ("When?")
She looked down at her watch, then back at Emil. "Vel... Om tre timer." ("Well... In three hours.")


emil.iatan: I'm gonna get sick
emil.iatan: ugh
emil.iatan: I hate planes
emil.iatan: I'm super scared of flying tbh
emil.iatan: wake me up inside

He waited for a few minutes, then sighed when Leon didn't answer. Well, he was probably busy with something.
So, instead of sending more messages to Leon, he posted a picture with the caption "man, I sure do love feeling like I'm gonna throw up before a flight :)". It didn't take long before he got a few comments.

thecommunistmememachine: rip
ariel_the_memeaid: aww, I feel bad for you :( I hope you feel better soon🌸
candypink.candypunk: that sucks, get better!!!!!!!! so u can fight the plane

He smiled lightly. Even if Leon didn't answer, there were always others to talk to. Still, Leon was his best friend. They knew almost everything about each other, except for stuff about each other's families.

Emil leaned back. He looked around the airport. Lovise was texting someone on her phone, their dad was on the toilet, and their mom was reading a novel. There wasn't really anything to do. He thought for a moment, before deciding to watch anime.

The airport network wasn't that good, but as long as he kept the quality low, it worked fine. He watched as the figure skaters skated around to the music. Usually, Emil sang along to the opening and the songs, but he would prefer not doing that in a public place. So, waiting for the plane, he sat quietly and focused on the anime, trying to not feel sick.
It didn't work, and he still felt like shit when boarding the plane.


He sighed before showing his famous "hot and mischievous"-smirk again. He posed just as he was instructed to, even if it was an uncomfortable pose for someone wearing a suit.
Honestly, he'd always hated suits. They looked cool and all, but they were all so uncomfortable. Even his Monaco suit from Gucci, which costed about two thousand euros, was horrible to wear. If he could have chosen, he'd wear sweatpants and a t-shirt. However, that wasn't exactly an outfit to show on magazine covers. He didn't even like modelling, but at least he got a lot of money for it.

Leon sighed again.
I'd rather be at home texting Emil, he thought to himself, before continuing the photoshoot.

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