2 • birthday boy

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Thursday June 15th, two days to Emil's birthday. Two days until he turned seventeen. Today, he wasn't texting Leon; Instead, they were talking on Skype.
"Yo, soon-to-be birthday boy!" was the greeting Emil got. "Thanks", he replied, smiling at Leon. Verbal conversations were always more awkward, but at the same time more comfortable.
"So, what do you want for your birthday?" Leon asked. "I probably can't send you anything, but it doesn't hurt to ask."
"I want Pokémon Moon. And I would love a cool new shirt. Whatever colour, I don't care." Emil gave a little shrug at the screen.
The other boy responded with a smile. "Nice. I'll give you something if I get the chance." He sighed lightly. "I'm probably gonna be really busy this week."
"It's fine", the silver-haired boy told Leon, "You don't have to get me anything."
"I'll definitely wish you happy birthday, though!" Leon promised, making Emil smile lightly.
"You better", he joked.
"I just wish I could give you a birthday hug..." The brunet sighed again.
"Yeah, I wish so too", Emil replied. "As in, I wish you could give me a hug, not that I wish I could give myself a hug."
Leon snickered. "I understood."
"Hey, I just wanted to clear it up in case you misunderstood!"
"I know, I know, chill."
"I am chill."

"Emil! Lovise!" Elise shouted from downstairs, "Det er middag!" ("It's dinner time!")
Emil gave an apologising look to Leon. "Sorry, I've gotta go eat dinner, I'll talk to you later."
"It's fine, dude", Leon replied, "Go eat your dinner."
Emil smiled, waving goodbye to the other boy. "Okay, see you later."
"See ya!" Leon waved, then ended the Skype call after making a peace sign with his hand.
With a small smile, Emil closed his laptop and went downstairs to eat.

"Hei, bro", Lovise greeted her brother as he entered the room.
"Hei", Emil replied, before asking his mother what they were having for dinner.
"Spaghetti Bolognese", Elise answered.
He sat down at the kitchen table, and glanced over at Lovise. She was reading some fashion magazine with a male model on the cover. Emil didn't really care, though, so he didn't pay much attention. He just ate the food that was put on his plate without talking. After a few minutes of silence, Lovise spoke up.
"Forresten, mamma, jeg stikker bort til en av vennene mine etterpå." ("By the way, mom, I'm going over to a friend's house later.")
"Hvem?" svarte Elise. "Er det en gutt?" ("Who? Is it a boy?")
Lovise shaked her head. "Nei, bare en venninne." ("No, just a [female] friend.")
"Okay", Elise answered, smiling at her daughter. "Du kan kjøre selv, ikke sant?" ("You can drive by yourself, right?")
"Ja." ("Yes.")

After dinner, Emil went up to his room again. Leon didn't reply, so he assumed his friend was busy. Therefore, Emil wasted his time watching YouTube videos for hours, until he decided to get ready for bed and go to sleep.

It took while before he fell asleep, as he fantasised about all the fun things he and Leon would have done if they ever met.

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