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Yay! More questions! These are from BentOvrBckwrds1.


"What type of cat are you?"

I am an American Shorthair. That's what Chew Toy calls me, at least. (I don't know what kind of rabbit Chew Toy is, though. Fluffy?)


"What's your favorite snack?"

Hm...That's another hard one. I like POUNCE cat treats. Or lizards. Or The Beast's Food. Or Chew Toy's head...


"Who's your favorite human?"

Now, before you think I'll say Olivia, STOP RIGHT THERE. I HATE HER SO BADLY. (Refer to my "Top Ten Reasons I Hate My Owner" in my diary book for reference)

My favorite human will probably be all of you because you humans don't bathe me and clean my ears and send me to cat shows. (More on that later...)

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