Chapter 2

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I was packing the last of my stuff when I heard D'Angelo on the phone yelling loudly so I stop what I was doing and turn around to see him standing up from my bed angrily.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN OUR FLIGHT IS CANCELLED?!" He yells and I turn back around biting my lip praying he doesn't take his anger out on me. All he's been talking about is me moving with him to LA.

I hear him say we leave Wednesday morning and he hangs up the phone. He walks over to my dresser and grabs his keys. I stood up quickly.

"Where are you going?" I ask as he walks out the door and into the hallway making a call.

"Out. Don't question me." He says making me sigh. I look out the window and see him drive off.

I open my closet and walk inside seeing the letterman jacket Kelly gave me. I smiled and took it off the hanger, trying it on taking in Kelly's scent.

I walk out into my room to look in the mirror. I smiled to myself as I turned around admiring his last name and his infamous number "12."

My phone that I luckily got replaced started ringing showing a number I didn't recognize. I picked it up answering the DC area coded call.



I took a deep breath.


"I'm sure you've already left but I just wanted to apologize for my actions. I should've known after 4 years that coming back like that was a bad idea but I just had to see you. Anyways, I just wanted to congratulate you once more and I wish you the best."

"I-I haven't left yet.. I don't leave until Wednesday." I say biting my lip.

"Well, do you think I could see you maybe?"

"Come pick me up now."


We hang up the phone and I quickly start getting ready knowing he'd be here in no time. After spraying on perfume and putting on some jewelry the doorbell rung and I rush out my room telling my mother it was for me.

I walk downstairs and open the door seeing Kelly there standing shyly.

"Is he here?" He asks looking me up and down.

"No, come inside. I have something to get upstairs. He walks in and closes the door behind him and I go upstairs grabbing my purse, keys, and phone.

"You look beautiful." He says watching me step off the last step. I smile and he pulls me into a warm hug. Even thought I was with D'Angelo, this hug felt a little too right. He pulls away but kept close to me, kissing my cheek.

"We have a lot of talking to do." He says and I smile, pushing my hair back behind my ear looking down.


I drove Aiya to this restaurant downtown. We sung some of our favorite songs and just joked around on our way here. Just like we used to.

"Remember when we used to go to taco bell at 1 in the morning and got one of everything?" She says laughing and I laughed rubbing my stomach.

"It never sat well with me." I say looking for vallet parking. I pull up to a parking garage and we got out the car, paparazzi swarming us immediately.

I ignored them and gave the parking man my key and he gave me a ticket.

"Thanks man." I say then I turn around at Aiya seeing her looking very uncomfortable as paparazzi was nearly screaming at her. I wrap my arm around her trying to comfort and prevent all the pictures being taken to really get to her all at the same time.

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