Chapter 4

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I pulled up to Aiya's mothers house and got out immediately. I remembered the code to the garage so I just went in like we always do.

"AIYA?!" I yelled knowing her mother wasn't here anyways. After getting no response I started to search the house.

"I KNOW YOU'RE NOT HIDING FROM ME BITCH." I yelled but still didn't hear anything. I sat on her bed and pulled out my phone trying to call her but it said it's been disconnected.

I know this bitch didn't leave me.

I opened Twitter going to her page scrolling slowly.

Aiya_Lashae: New life in DC. Couldn't be happier 😇

I paused not wanting to scroll any further. I knew exactly what was going on.

Aiya_Lashae: Kelly's snoring 😩

I locked my phone and stood up, brushing myself off. If only she knew what was in store for her..

I walked back to my car and booked a flight for DC in the morning. There's no way in hell I'm allowing her to get away from me.


"Come on Kelly, you'll like it." I say shoving sushi into my mouth. He bites his lip and picks up a piece with his chopsticks. I smiled as I watched him eat it.

"See, not so bad." I continued dipping another piece in soy sauce.

"Nah, that ain't for me." He complains drinking his sweet tea. I laugh and continue eating as he watched sports center on a tv that was on the wall behind me.

I finished eating and checked my phone seeing it was midnight. We have been out all day shopping and just spending quality time together. He explained that he wanted to make sure to spend as much time with me before the season started back.

"You ready baby?" He asks and I stand up from the table, grabbing his hand. He guides me outside to the car and opens the door for me, then walks over to the drivers side getting in.

I looked out the window and seen a black car with its lights on sitting on the corner suspiciously. I was quiet as Kelly drove seeing the car following behind us. I tried not to think we was in danger and told myself it was a coincidence but when Kelly pulled up to his building, the car slowed down and sped off.

"You good?" Kelly asks at my door, I didn't even notice he opened it.

"Yeah... yeah I'm good."

I grab his hand and he helps me out the car.

"You know I love you right?" He says as we walk through the lobby.

"I know baby, I love you too."

"And you know I'd never let anything happen to you." He continues making me look at him.

"I know."

He leans in and kisses me as we waited for the elevator. I knew I was safe but there was still fear in the back of my mind.

{The next morning}

I woke up alone and raised up instantly, seeing a note beside me.

Good morning babygirl, I had a meeting early this morning and I have some charity work today so I probably wont be home until later on tonight. There's $100 in your wallet, do as you wish. Movie night tonight?

I smiled and stretched then got out of bed getting ready for today.

As I was brushing my teeth there was a knock at the door. I assumed it was the neighbor again so I nonchalantly opened it but to my surprise there was a huge bouquet of black roses sitting on the ground.

I picked them up and smiled sitting them on the dining room table.

"Is there a card?" I said to myself as I examined the flowers. I found the card and opened it seeing cursive writing.

You thought you could escape my love? Think again.

The card fell from my hands and I ran up to the door to lock it but it opened before I could making me face-to-face with D'Angelo.


"Okay, 1, 2, 3!" The photographer said taking yet another picture. I love my fans, but I've been taking pictures and signing autographs for the past 4 hours.

"It was nice meeting you Jacob." I say giving the little boy a high five. He smiled and ran over to John, his parents trailing behind him.

I looked to my right and saw that the line had finally finished. After taking a few group pictures and talking selfies with a few fans I was on my way home with Aiya on my mind. I damn near sped home just to see my babygirl.

I made it home and went upstairs, opening the door Aiya rushing into my arms.

"Did you miss me?" I said laughing closing the door behind me. I looked down at her and moved her hair out of her face seeing she had a black eye. "Who did this?" I asked.

"I ran into the door downstairs when I went to the store earlier." She says.

I grab her face and examine her. I started to laugh remembering how accident prone she is.

"You gotta be more careful baby." I say and she smiles slightly moving from my hold.

"I will." She walks into the bedroom and closes the door.

I sigh and take off my shoes going into the living room to watch Sports Center. I noticed a bouquet of black roses on the dining room table taking my attention away from the tv. I walked over to the flowers and picked up the card sitting next to it reading it a few times to make sure I wasn't tripping.

"Aiya come here." I say loud enough for her to hear me through the closed door. She walks out the room and paused seeing me with the card in my hands.

"What's this?" I ask and she bites her lip.

"Nothing baby." She says walking up to me. I noticed she had on a bra and shorts revealing bruises on her arms and midsection.

"If you lie to me one more time." I looked up angrily.

"What do I have to lie about?"

I grab her arms and point at all the bruises.

"I'm sure you didn't run into the door that fucking hard. Now tell me what the hell is going on before I find out myself."

She was silent as tears filled her eyes.

"I'm waiting!" I yell becoming frustrated.


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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2017 ⏰

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