Chapter 3

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I woke up to loud shuffling in the room and an excruciating headache. I sit up and saw Aiya putting her clothes on quickly. That's when I realized I was naked. Did we?

"Woah, calm down." I say getting out of bed and putting on some sweats.

She looks at me with a angry expression as she pulled her hair up into a ponytail.

"D'Angelo is going to kill me." She complains scrolling through her phone. "42 missed calls and over 100 texts."

I look over at the clock seeing it was 3 in the afternoon.

"First off, stop what you're doing," I take her phone out of her hands. "You're not going back to him anyways. We're filing a police report and you're staying with me." I say.

"No we're not. I gotta go home Kelly." She says and I give her a serious look.

"Stop being difficult. We're leaving in half an hour."

She sighs and hugs me.

"I'm sorry."

"You're good. Now lets find you some clothes."


Kelly went to the mall and picked out an outfit for me and soon enough we were at the police station downtown.

"Go in while I park the car." Kelly says and I get out, walking inside.

"How may I help you?" An officer says at the front desk. I shamefully walk up and sit down in front of him.

"I'd like to file a domestic violence report." I say and he looks at me, examining my features.

"Name of the abuser?" He replies taking out a folder and clicking his pen ready to write.

"D'Angelo Russel." I respond and he looks up at me and laughs.

"This is serious matters young lady, lying will only get you in trouble." He says. I looked at him in disbelief and just as soon as I was about to reply Kelly walks in dressed head to toe in Wizards gear.

I smiled and turned back to the cop.

"And you were saying?"

"Give me full details." He responds as Kelly sits next to me, draping his arm behind me.

Hours later I was back at Kelly's hotel eating chipotle scrolling through twitter.

"Oh my God." I say getting Kelly's attention.

"What?" He says sitting next to me on the couch. I click the link leading me to a mugshot of D'Angelo saying he'd been arrested.

"See, now you have nothing to worry about." Kelly says kissing my cheek. I give a fake smile but deep down inside I felt a little upset that D'Angelo is behind bars all because of me. I got up and walk into the bathroom splashing my face with some cold water.

"What's up? I thought this was a good thing." Kelly says and I look at him after drying off my face.

"I just need some time to myself."

"Why? You're acting like you still want to be with him."

"Just stop it okay?"

"Nah baby I'm not 'gone stop it."

I looked at him and he walks up to me, grabbing my face, kissing me deeply.

"You're mine now, yes?" He says between kisses.


"You're moving to DC with me, correct?"

I smiled against his lips.

The Lights (Kelly Oubre Jr.) ON HOLD | NEEDS WORKWhere stories live. Discover now