Chapter One

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It was one of those nights where the moon wasn't so shiny, outside was cold almost as if announcing that it was about to begin to rain, he didn't know what had gotten into him to actually make him leave the coffee shop as soon as he received the text message, he also didn't know what he was thinking when he decided that a night like this was perfect for storming outside of his comfort zone, maybe it was curiosity, maybe it was the thrill of never doing anything on his own, maybe, just maybe, it was the adrenaline taking a shot, not his entire mind.

Cat was one hell of a woman, and the fact that she was just released and that she promised to take revenge on him, wasn't what he would call a calming scenario for him to go to bed that night, whatever the reason was, he kept on walking towards the direction she had sent a few minutes ago, he could have turned away but instead he kept walking, the fact that he hadn't been able to profile her entirely yet, was unsettling too, maybe that was what kept him going in the cold night, maybe if he attends her call, he would be able to unlock a little bit more of what could possibly go on inside her mind.

He wouldn't say he was attracted to her, it was just that... he was thrilled to discover what was inside her mind, just that. Plus, there was no possible way he could be attracted to a woman like her, sure, she wasn't so bad looking but she was just... crazy.

Once he arrived to the place she marked as the one to meet in, he did actually thought about going inside more than twice, it was an old house, through a window came a subtle light, where she was probably in, waiting for him. 

A million thoughts crossed his mind in a second like: was she armed? was she willing to talk? would she begin one of those games of her again?

Spencer just went up the three small stairs that led to the door, not even bothering to knock he opened it and guided himself in, instinctively his hand went to where his gun was supposed to be, only to find it empty, he may have left it in the office. Great. Now he was unarmed and with a feminist psycho that wanted to kill him. Could it be any worse?

"Dr Reid" she said to him once he walked into the room that had the lights on "Honestly I might say that I didn't think you would come" she glanced at him "...unarmed. Wow. Is it Chirstmas yet?"

"Y-yeah, nice to see you too Cat" he said in a sarcastic tone "What am I here for?"

"Oh come on Spencer, you are smart enough to wonder why you are here" to be completely honest, her face seemed more... zoned out than last time, like she had actually gone insane

Maybe drugs?

When she reached for something behind her, he felt his heart beat a lot fatser than usual, unarmed, alone and all he could do was hope that it wouldn't hurt that much while dying.

Cat pulled out a gun and aimed at his head, he instinctively stepped backwards, maybe some of his friends noticed something wrong and tried to save him.

Maybe in a few seconds Morgan would come barging through the door. Or maybe it was a terrible nightmare, maybe he fell asleep in the cofeeshop and .... 

"This is going to hurt" She said still aiming at him "like... a lot"

She had her hand on the trigger, Spencer looked in hope at the door but no one came in, he closed his eyes ready to die.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, sweet cheeks" a woman's voice said behind Cat and he could clearly hear the click of a gun going out, ready to shoot

Her voice was so... hard to describe, but he tried anyway: woman, for sure. Around her late twenties? maybe, early thirties even. British..? if she was British indeed she had a really really heavy accent, almost stereotyped. Yet there was something particular in her voice... like nothing he had ever heard before.

"And why is that?" Cat asked the woman, whom he couldn't quite see due to the fact that she was mostly standing in the dark side of the room, the only thing he could see though was a hand with black gloved holding a funny looking gun, almost comic-like, sparkly, aimed directly at Cat's head.

"He is all mine" with those words, Cat almost fell to the floor if it wasn't for the woman catching her at the last minute, making her rest on the floor instead, Spencer started feeling dizzy before everything went black, not before catching a glimpse of a golden strand of hair that came off from the hoodie the woman was wearing.

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