Chapter Three

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"So there is a footage that just arrived regarding our misterious killer" Garcia said as soon as Spence took a seat, it was just another case.

"Wait, so... minutes after finding the body, someone just delivers a footage at the station?" Morgan asked "Do we know who did it? we might be looking at a really egocentric killer"

"I'll go and ask the office, they must have a video of whom delivered it"

Everything started getting blurry in Spencer's mind, he was sure he couldn't remember a bit, but curiosity got the best of him as he asked the team to have a glimpse of the footage, a thin figure appeared, unable to tell wether it was a man or a woman for it had been covered from head to toe

A few flashes of memory came back to him, but none of them were enough to make a profile.

"Hey, pretty boy, are you a hundred percent sure that you dont remember a thing?"

"Maybe we could do a remembrance excercise... if you are willing to" JJ said as she smiled at him, it would certainly help, to walk through everything that happened that night, maye there was something he noticed but he couldnt quite just remember it, he just nodded his head and someone turned the lights off as JJ started talking "Okay, it was late at night, we had just returned from a case, what did you do after that?"

"I... I was feeling tired, so I decided that a good cup of tea would help, but I couldn't decide wether I should drink it at the shop or drink it at home" he remembered the feeling of tiredness washing over him as he walked out of the office "I finally decided that I would drink it at home while reading a book so I headed to my favourite coffee shop to buy one"

"Spence, did you see anything odd when you got there? how was the smell? just try to remember anything that might be helpful, people, mostly" Derek pointed out, and he did try to recall anything that might be useful for his team but nothing could really stand out, maybe due to his lack of sleep or who knows?

"There is nothing, really" he squinted his eyes harder "Just a bunch of people here and there... the shop felt cozy as usual, the smell of coffee fills the room, there is a bunch of people and then I get a text, which I find odd because we had just landed, and I pick my phone up and realise that it is from a blocked number" while he had his eyes closed, JJ and Derek listened with plenty of attention to every word he had to say "I decided to open the text and skimmed through it and found out that Cat was encouraging me to go somewhere, I-uh... I dont know what got into me when I decided that it was a good idea...." He opened his eyes "After that, everything is a blurr and flashes of some moments like tha gun, and Cat, and the house... nothing clear"

Just then, before anyone had the oportunity to speak, Garcia entered the room "Okay, bad news... there IS a surveillance video but the image is pretty... well, ordinary, a man in a hoodie delivers the video"

"Maybe, we ARE looking at an extremely egocentric killer, he could have been the one delivering his own video" just then, Spence's phone rang, the team looked over to the tiny night table and handed Spencer his phone

"Blocked number" he said under his breath before reading the text out loud "Dearest doctor: think about what I did, and God, I hope it was worth it. Dr. J. Bell"

"Wait a minute, he signed the message?" Garcia mentioned 

"Dr. Joseph Bell wa actually one of the first forensics, he was a big part of the inspiration that brought Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to develop Sherlock Holmes in1877 after taking one of his classes, but I guess, we could start with this message in order to build the profile..."

After that, Dr Reid was sent home to rest for a few weeks, and what seemed to be a few weeks resting from the fuzz of the criminalistic world, turned into a creepy wait for daily messages, wether they were texts, letters or calls, everything seemed off, sometimes there were two or three per day, but usually they were just one of them:

"Dearest Doctor, hope you are okay. Dr J. Bell"

"Dearest Doctor, it feels bad to see a colleague fall. Dr J. Bell"

All of a sudden, the number of incoming messages rounded the five per day, but Reid was full of it, so the letters would just accumulate themselves under the door, his phone was on silence mode and he pretty much tried to forget that there was a killer stalking him until March 16th.

A box was left on his doorstep, but it didn't seem to be from the misterious killer, it had a neat envelope and a handwritten "For: Doctor Spencer Reid, BAU FBI", inside was one of the letters that read: "Dearest Doctor, I need your services" to which he just threw the box to the floor and headed to the BAU, already tired of it.

"How has it gone, Spence? Did the letters stop?" to which he responded with a no

"Okay, now its our time to fill you in" Garcia said as she took the remote in her hand "We have been working nonstop, and we have someone in custody and-"

The screen went dark and all of a sudden there was an image of someone in a hoodie, most likely THE killer, the team's faces were of rage but Spencer was just curious about it

"Dearest Doctor, please listen" Spencer didnt say a word, but Hotch said "Who are you?"

"Doctor, doctor, please listen" Reid turned to face the screen "I need your help"

"WHO ARE YOU?" Derek demanded

The figure took the hoodie off to uncover a girl with blonde locks "Listen, Doctor. The look doesn't matter, nor does the name for I am never going to be seen like this again, the name's Adrianna Yale, but you can find me for my name Dr J. Bell. I will see you and your team, soon, doctor. Take care of yourself, and remember to cover your head" the video cut off but it all made a sudden click on his mind, the golden lock, the voice... she sent mixed signals, but she had saved his life before... this was going to be one hell of a case.

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