Chapter 26

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"What? okay guys, I'm totally lost here. I was gone for more than two weeks remember? Cit me some slack man.."I groaned.

Hiro, honey, and Tadashi was currently explaining to me some of the lessons I missed that I had the same class with them. Bad thing is, these three people are teaching me three separate stuff.

"We know Hana, we're just trying to help you. How about this, we do one subject each switching to the other after an hour, Deal?" Tadashi chuckled.

"Finally! I thought my brain was going to explode." I dramatically sighed in relief.

"You big baby. Just go study with Honey lemon first." Hiro rolled his eyes at me.

I stuck my tongue out at him as the peppy adult giggled.

After an hour or more with Honey lemon, and by hour or more we meant like two hours. She had already taught me all the stuff I missed out on chemistry and just goofed off in some experiments as time slipped past us.

Next was Tadashi, I had to admit, he was a pretty strict teacher. He would give me tons of questions to answer after every lesson he'd teach me, which I have to say, is also good, but seriously man, trust me, I'm practically a genius!

"Alright, Dashi. I'm done, I freaking finished this!" I grinned, handing him the last question sheet he gave me to work on.

"Oh good, let me check.."He smiled as he took the paper, examining it.- "Okay, so far so good. You're doing good Hana. I'm sure you'll be able to catch up quick on the next class." He smiled.

"Hah! Finally! I'm freaking done! Wooooh!!" I cheered, running around his lab.

Did I mention we were at sfit? No? Oh well, we are. I've been moving from lab to lab actually.

"Nope. You still have Hiro remember? He still has to teach you the basics of robotics." He grinned.

My face fell as I groaned.

"Why? I don't wanna go! My brain's full already! It's going to over load.." I whined.

He laughed and simply gave me my books, pushing me out his door.

"Yeah yeah, don't act like you're not looking forward on spending some along time with Hiro. Now go, my future sister-in-law." He teased, shoving me out his lab before closing his door.

"Well that was mean.." I pouted with a blush.

With a racing heart, I knocked on Hiro's door as I opened it. I saw him preparing some things on his table before turning with a smile to face me.

I almost melted when I saw his smile. He had his hair tied behind with strands falling on his face, shaping his cheekbones. He honestly looked really hot.

"Hey Hiro, ready to teach me?" I chuckled, pulling up a seat.

"You're late. Sit down already." He smirked devilishly.

I gulped as I felt like he was planning something. Something not good..


"Hiro, this is too hard! I just missed two weeks of class, not the entire year damn it!" I groaned as I threw the stapled question sheets on the table.

He laughed as he continued to tweak with baymax's armour rocket fist.

"Well I told you robotics is hard and requires alot of math. But I'm sure you'll get it. It is just the first week we're starting robotics anyways. Robotics is naturally confusing at first, don't worry." He chuckled.

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