Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


March 21st, 2016 (Continued)

I can't stand him. Not one bit of him. It seemed as if it was his life goal to annoy me. All through dinner, he sat across the table from me. Kicking me, from under the table. Again. I was getting the unnerving feeling that this would become a regular occurrence unless I sat right next to him. I would be dreading family dinners for the rest of my time at home. My lower legs were still sore.

But it wasn't just the assault that annoyed me. My mom told us that the newest additions to our family would be attending school with us tomorrow.

How great.

That meant that Adam, and Chase, would be following us around all day tomorrow. This would probably be going on for the next two of weeks, too. That wouldn't help at all considering I already share a room with Chase. Our lives were practically morphing into one. I could barely tell where his life ended and mine began.

Having Chase at school just sounded awful. I had thought that Adam and his evil younger brother would be staying back at their elite private school. I was still confused as to why they would want to leave. They had the perfect life. Why change it?

Everything was going fine up until he jumped into my life. He was the iceberg to my titanic. Chase will ruin everything now that he's going to Mission Creek High. I wouldn't be surprise if he started messing with my relationships, too. My boyfriend, and all my friends, would never want to talk with me again after he finished the job.

Owen wouldn't be that hard to break, though.

Owen and I were inseparable just a few weeks ago, and now he can barely look at me before running away. It wasn't like I was in love with him or anything, but it sucked knowing my boyfriend didn't want to see me. Maybe he was just mad at me because I didn't love him yet... Or because I never would... I really hope he doesn't know that. When breaking up with him, I was hoping to let him down easily. Though I wasn't sure when I was going to do that.

Chase huffed out a breath, slamming his hand down onto the blowup mattress at the opposite side of the room before he flipped over. The covers flew off of him, revealing in the dim light that he was only wearing pajama pants, his torso was bare. Chase was the reason I was up. It was two thirty in the morning, and this kid was reluctant to fall asleep.

"Chase, calm yourself." I hissed, watching as he leaned up to look at me around the screen. I had set it up beforehand, only for my mother to take it down after dinner. Little did she know, I set it back up after she and Mr. Davenport had gone to bed. Like I had said before, I needed my privacy. "I want to sleep."

"Yeah." Chase laughed duly. "So do I, princess. Get in line." He bit back harshly as he sat up on his bed. "Turn off the freaking light." He ordered as he threw his hand up in the direction of the lamp. I shook my head as I pressed the pen into the crease of the notebook, closing the leather book softly around it.

"I've only got the light on because you're keeping me up." I let my eyebrows raise in his direction, watching as he jumped up from his bed. He stopped at my side of the screen, crossing his arms over his chest stubbornly.

"And I'm only up, because of the light." He snipped as he made his way over to my bed. I pulled my legs up, clutching my notebook to my chest, as well. Chase narrowed his eyes smartly towards me as he took a seat at the end of my bed.

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