Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


I slapped her. I actually slapped her. I couldn't contain myself, for once in my life.

I had always been the good girl, always done what was right. I almost always found myself being the one to do the mature thing. I almost always walked away from situations like this. My friends were around to stop me if I ever felt the need to actually let lose. Apparently, today wasn't one of those days. Kim was no where to be found, and for some reason, my shadow of a step brother was missing too.

I could still hear the sound of my hand slapping her pretty little face ringing through my ears. I could still feel the sting on my skin as my hand hit her pretty little face.

She really wasn't that pretty. I don't know why I said that twice. Or why two of my boyfriends fell for her over me.

"Bree!" She shrieked, her hand flying up to cover the red hand print that now laid across her left cheek. I'd really left a mark on that-

Stop it.

"You're going to pay for this one, Henderson." She hissed, the words coming out of her red painted lips like venom. There were small tears welling in her eyes, so small I almost couldn't see them. The slap had apparently made an impact, enough to make the stone cold queen shed a tear or two. I shook my head before quickly crossing my arms over my chest.

"I don't think so." I mused. I let out a quick sigh as I watched Owen pull her back. His hands were locked on either one of her upper arms'. I wasn't scared. She was scrappy, anyhow. There was no way she'd win in a fight against me. I'd take her down with a second slap to the face. The second her makeup got messed up, she'd quit fighting.

"Oh yeah?" She tested, her eyes glowing red as she held back the tears that were pricking at her eyes. A group of students had formed a circle around the three of us. All while Stephanie was still thrashing about, trying to shake out of her new boyfriends' hold. Now I was really trapped. There was no exit in sight, and no one was around to help me out of this. Not that I was backing down.

"Yeah." I laughed with a short nod. She couldn't be serious. She couldn't be trying to make me regret slapping her. Not after all she had done to me.

Suddenly, she stopped fighting to get closer to me. She stopped trying to force her boy toy from holding her back. She just stopped. But now, she held a look of pure evil written across her face. "Then I guess you won't mind if I spill a quick secret about you?" She issued. The student body noticeably leaned in to hear this one. Every one of them would kill for a good piece of gossip, especially from the queen herself.

I shook my head. "Not one bit." To my knowledge, there wasn't one piece of information about me that could have possibly gotten back to her. At least, not something that everyone had already heard. I wasn't worried for a second.

"I think you should mind, Bree." She laughed clinically before she took a step to the right of Owen. The boy I used to call mine stepped back into the sea of students, trying to hide from either one of us. That one movement by the artist to hide, allowed for my stepbrother himself to step out into the ring next to me.

Chase leaned in, letting his hand brush against my right arm as he did. The touch sent a spark up all the way to my shoulder. "What the hell is happening?" He whispered. He held a look of pure, unaddressed confusion that brought a smile to my face. It was almost shocking that he wasn't a whole step or two ahead of me. For once, I was somehow in control. Chase was finally behind.

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