Wolf And The Moon

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"There are nights when the wolf is silent and only the moon howls"

"But I am a lone-wolf, its my job to watch relationships break, to see the tears flow, to count the number of stars crossing the galaxy and to realise all the people I loved are gone and gone forever".

"But I am the moon, it's my work to see couples walk hand in hand beneath my moonbeams, loving passionately and strongly, holding onto the belief that this love which is ripe at the moment will last forever, but withered as my heart is, broken and faded, their love too shall disappear into the silence of the sea and fall away like autumn, you see".

Still....still, the wolf tugged onto this belief which ripped him apart once..the belief that one day the loneliness he feels with every torn fibre of his body will break through as there will be an amalgamation of earth and paradise. That's how he exactly felt seeing the moon drifting with an invisible current like a dreamy water lily, drunken in solitude. The wolf and the moon, realise all these things as they watch the sky soon break into serenity with an incipient loneliness that they had felt for a hundred years. Even though separated by distance and time, they're still connected by something stronger than gravity, deeper than the ocean, its, love.

And yet the moon never knew what truly love ever was Her sheer ignorance of the fact that- therein lay the wolf in the earth ready to sacrifice and to die just for his beloved moon

Soon the wolf's howls become only a echo of a beautiful memory in the mind of the moon, as she keeps howling and howling to her beloved wolf who now lies dead, decayed into the earth, as the winds gush through swiftly, and the larks cry their melancholic songs in accordance to nature's requiem .

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