Lone Wolf

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Black and blue her sylvan dress

She counts the stars in empty space

Drowning in elegiac ecstacy

Lulled my mellifluous serenity

She is faded in her own reverie

Stygian red the blood drips

Slowly and steadily emotion slips

From tired eyes and bleeding heart

Like despair dropping from black

And white pages of torn art

Her charade keeps her alive

Though her mind cannot survive

The intertwined conflict

Black roses wither quietly

To the tune of sad melancholy

As the hue fades furtively

Like a dream fading into eternity

Yet she treads the empty path

Where doth the moonbeams cast

Her brilliant silver rays

And, broken and hurt she carries on

Like a lone wolf leading the way

* we've all gone through our own storms, some have tumbled while some have risen. This poem is pretty personal, it tells the tale of a girl who has seen nothing but rain however like a lone wolf she leads her own way with courage...
Sorry for such a late update, had a massive writer's block*:)

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