will YOU join the fun?

144 8 119

Want to be a part of the madness? Your in luck!

Full name:
appearance:(you can chose an actor/ actress, link a pic in comments or just describe yourself)
Family:(your own/existing/other player{s})
Bf/gf: (optional)
Pet(s): (optional)
Disliked people:
Job: (optional & dependent on age)

I'm sorry, but i don't really feel comfortable doing gxg/bxb pairings, so maybe If you want to date a girl, make your character a boy, or vise versa? sorry.

(X's are people already in the story)

Amarth: Dating Morwen. 19
August: single(might pair w/ Brynn) 15

Alphonso(goes by Mack): single 19

Antoine(goes by trip): single 17

Aragorn: dating Arwen. 19

Barry: single (might pair w/ iris) 15

Boromir: single. 18

Bruce: single. 17

Bucky: dating livia. 16

Cisco: single(might pair w/ kendra)14

Clint: dating Laura(his wife in the movie) 18

David: dating Lincoln(walker, not Campbell.) 17

Elladan: single. 17

Elrohir: dating Norneth. 17

Eomer: single. 19

Fandral: single. 19

Faramir: single (might pair w/Eowyn) 16

Fili: single. 17

Frodo: single 14

Grant: dating Charlie (me) 16

Kili: single (might pair w/ Tauriel) 15

Lance(goes by hunter):single (might pair w/ Bobbi) 17

Legolas: single. 16

Leo(goes by fitz): single(might pair w/ Jemma) 15

Lincoln: dating Alison. 15

Lindir: dating Lucy. 15

Loki: dating herdis 17

Merry: single (kid...) 8

Oliver:single (might pair w/Felicity) 19

Pietro: 17

Pippin: single (bc he's a kid...) 3

Sam: single (might pair w/Rosie) 13

Steve: single (might pair w/ Peggy) 19

Theodren: single. 20

Thor:single (might pair w/ Jane) 19

Tony: dating pepper. 18

Wallie: single (might pair w/ Jesse)15


Arwen: dating Aragorn. 18

Bobbi: single (might pair w/ Lance) 17

Brynn: single(might pair w/ August). 15

Darcy: Single 15

Eowyn: single(might pair w/ Faramir) 16

Felicity:single(might pair w/ Oliver)18

Jane: single (might pair w/ Thor) 18

Jemma: single (might pair w/ Leo) 15

Jesse:single (might pair w/ Wallie)14

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