(Sleepover madness) NatsuxOC

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Natsu's pov

"Hey Natsu Lucy wanted me to invite you to her sleepover,my place at 7 see you there pinky" Mckenna said and smiled at me while walking off. As she was walking off I let a breath out i didn't know i was holding in.

" still haven't told her " Happy asked while ea1ting a fish i sighed

" no" I simply said looking at him as he gave me a stern look

" you know some other guy is going to get her if you don't go get her now " Happy said and I hung my head just thinking about someone else getting her and not me is that selfish to want her all to myself

" look lets not do this right now we have a party to get ready for at Mckenna's house 7 she said so lets go " i said and grabbed him and ran out the door

Gray's pov

As I watched Mckenna walk off and Natsu sigh I chuckle to myself

" go get her Natsu" I whispered to no one even though i hated him it didn't mean I didn't want him happy at least somewhat happy with the girl of his dreams.I smirked to myself as I got a idea to see how much he really liked her

" this is going to be fun" I said smirking evilly

( little time skip)

Natsu's pov

I jumped through Mckenna's window and walked to the living room to see everyone there

" well,it took you long enough " Mckenna said grabbing my hand and pulling me over to sit in a big circle with almost half the guild

" okay what do you guys want to do Lucy and me have a lot planned but,we wanted to know what you guys would like to play" Mckenna said

" well we could play pocky " I heard Mira say and Mckenna nodded and smiled

" okay let me go and get the paper and everything ready " Mckenna said and walked off

" i'll go help her " Gray said getting up,walking to the kitchen

Gray's pov

I have the perfect plan at least i hope I do if i screw this up then it could be bad for me and Mckenna

" hey I came to give you something first you need to scream " I said as she gave me a weird look

" wh-" she got cut off

" you'll see just do it snowflake " i said she nodded

" AHHHH" she yelled as I grabbed her and pinned her to the wall

And moved my face closer to hers so from behind it looks like i'm kissing her

" G-Gray " she said nervously

" shhhh" I said and lend in so. I'm only centimeters after i heard foot steps and I smirked

" say help " I whispered and she nodded

" HELP" she said also trying to get out of my grasp but i held her there

" GRAY LET. HER. GO. " i heard a voice say


I fake growled

" no way " I said and winked at Mckenna she look confused at first but then she got it and her face flushed red

" NARSU HELP" she yelled she sure was good at acting

" let.her.go. I will not repeat my self Gray" Natsu said in a deep voice

" and i'm going to say it again no way" I said

I felt pain shooting up and down my body and I knew what he did I grabbed my you know( sorry this is supposed to be children friendly )

I fell the the floor and looked up groaning in pain
But i saw Natsu grabbed snowflake and put his arms around her protectively and growled down at me

" don't. You. Ever. Touch. Her. AGAIN. Do i make my self clear " he said and i nodded he hit me good ( for stupid people who don't know where he hit him jk your not stupid but he hit him in the nuts)

Well at least i did the job

" Gray " Mckenna said

And Natsu looked at her and back at me then let her go

" so I misunderstood " he said hanging his head

Mckenna rolled her eyes and smiled while grabbing his scarf and pulled him in a kiss

Natsu's pov

Holy crap she's kissing me I closed my eyes and put my arms around her waist to deepen the kiss she put her hands around my neck we pulled away but I looked into her breath taking silver eyes

" i love you " I said her smile got bigger

" i love you to " she said

She looked down at Gray

" thanks Gray your the bestest best friend " she said and let go of me and walked to Gray

" am i missing something " I asked

Mckenna giggled

" yeah...he helped me get you jelly turns out he wanted to see you happy and helped me " she said smiling

" so let me get this strait,you weren't really screaming or yelling help" i asked and she nodded

I looked down at gray

" thanks stripper " I said

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