my own tag

18 1 8

Write 10 things you're thankful for and tag 5 people to do this tag as well.

1) Aurora_dremurr my beautiful girlfriend who never fails to make me smile on my worst of days

2) all my friends who look after me in school and put up with my fangirlness or tears

3) a roof over my head and keep me warm and safe at night

4) a family who may be bad at times.. But still look after me

5) for teachers who take their time to teach us valuable life skills

6) food on my plate to keep me healthy and living

7) my pets who I play with every day and who make me laugh or watch Markiplier and Jacksepticeye with me all the time

8) my dog Texas (Tex) who now resides in the skies but showed me care since I was a baby

8) my dog Texas (Tex) who now resides in the skies but showed me care since I was a baby

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9) my teddy bear (yes, I have one) that's always by my side ever since I was a toddler

10) all 200+ of you guys.. Who make me feel special every single day






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