So.. I was reading something in a comment section...

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"I was reading this whole conversation.. And it's not weak to get upset over someone telling you to kill yourself over the internet.. I've been told to do that many times in real life and hearing it from someone online would make me think everyone hates me.. Please don't get mad at me for saying all this.. I've gone through a lot in life, and people online don't know what the person they're talking to are really going through.. What if you told someone that and later found out they actually listened.. Because maybe someone telling them that made them break after they were maybe bullied in real life, abused by someone.. These have all happened to me.. And I'll have you know, I've been called a slut, whore, and cunt for false reasons.. All because someone wants the strongest girls at my school to harass me.. I am also lesbian, so 'faggot' or any homophobic comment would make me want to curl in a hole.. I'm a very sensitive person, but no one seems to actually know it.. I'm not defending Buttonberry, I am defending anyone being called these things or harassing someone else.. Thank you for your time if you read this.."

(This was my reply to a comment chain where someone was telling another to kill themselves and taking pleasure in 'triggering' them.. They were called them a "cunt, whore, slut" and many more.. Including saying plenty homophobic comments.. I hope to never see any of you guys following me or who I follow saying such things.. Thank you for your time if you read this..)

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