Another Adoption

887 29 12

Glimmer's POV

I woke up the next morning, sleeping next to Mz, poor thing, she's the youngest, losing her parents, and now two of her siblings?

Its the weekend, so we can sleep in, so I silently slip out of the bed, and proceed to brush my teeth, when I stepped out of the bathroom, I saw Mz stretching on the bed.

"Morning Glimmer." She sighs.

"Morning, wanna go get Breakfast?" I ask.

She nodded her head, and after we both got ready we headed down to the mess hall.

"It's sad to think that just yesterday you, Nade, and Nerdie were all arguing over whipped cream." Mz let out a small laugh.

"It's ok." I put my arm around her shoulder and pull her into a hug.

We silently eat our eggs, and then the loudspeaker went off.

"All girls aged 5-15 please report to the gymnasium."

"Oh no."

"Don't worry, It will be fine." I comfort her.

We head down to the gym and line up.

A man comes through, right towards me and Mz, then he asks me a question,

"What's your name?"

"Oh, umm, I'm Glimmer, Hai."

"I'm Jason, go pack up your stuff," He smiles, "I'm going to adopt you!"

"Bu-" I see the head mistress glaring at me, so I leave.

I packed up my stuff and left a note for Mz on the table.

I head back down and Jason walked me over to the car


Jason slipped the key into the keyhole, "Welcome home!" He opens the door,

"NERDIE? NADE?" I run across the room and embrace my siblings.

Mz's POV

I run back to the now empty room, I cry into my pillow, why did this happen to me? I get up and see a note on the table...


I know this is gonna be hard, but stay strong, for our family. I know we will see each other again someday, and I know that you will go to a loving home in the future,

Love your sister, Glimmer.


ERMAGURD GUYS THE FEELZ! UM yeah, this was written by the one and only Glimmer, Yay!

Peace Out, Place Blocks, We will see you all next time! BAIII

-The Team WattCraft Crew

So much feels...

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