What Happens Next

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Nerdie's POV

Due to Ty speeding, a little less traffic than usual, and a sense of fear that seemed to make time go faster, the drive didn't take long. We arrived a few minutes after the ambulance, and MZ had already been taken inside. A nurse was waiting for us in the lobby, and she led us to MZ's room. She didn't let us go in, but gave us some hopeful news.

"She's lost a lot of blood, but her heart has barely slowed. She's strong, trying to hold on." she didn't say that MZ would live, but she didn't say she would die. To us that was the world, because she may live. Adam was in the same room as her, though we had to wait outside. They were having to do surgery, get the bullet out and help heal the wound. They were keeping her on life support until she was in better shape though. I was practically praying for her, even though I was never that religious. Finally, after hours of pacing, sweating, and hair pulling, the doctor came. Ty stood up, and ran to the doctor.

"Is she OK?! Tell me she is OK!" he yelled, getting in the doctor's face.

"She will live. But it's almost past visitors hours, so if you want to see her go in now." We all sprang up and ran to the door. Inside was a hospital bed, with MZ practically swallowed in it. Her pale face seemed to disappear in the white sheets. Adam sat asleep in a chair in the corner. He needed rest. MZ seemed to as well. She had been shot. There were bandages covering her whole torso, and she seemed to be dwarfed by these. Her eyes moved in her sleep, like she was dreaming. Dark circles sat under her eyes, highlighted by her pale skin. She looked so tiny. Nearby a monitor beeped her heart beats.

BEEP... BEEP... BEEP... MZ was alive.

Team AdoptionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora