Villian Part 2

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So this is my time to write something and stuffz yeah enjoy!

*MZ's POV (cause why not!)*

I woke up with my head feeling that it has been running.I looked around and saw Nerdie,Glimmer,and Dad.They were knocked out as I was as well.They just laid in the cold,gray stone floor without moving a muscle.I stood up and moved around and checking the cubicle place out.I looked at the entrance and it was covered by iron bars and a small one I the back.It seemed more like a jail cell like in Cops and Robbers.I just waited for everyone to wake up as I cuddled in a corner for warmth.It was winter for gods sake!It soon became hours of just huddled in a corner and shivering.It was the worst feeling I had ever had since Mom and Dad left from us.I my breath stuttered as I shook and felt like freezing to death at any second.I felt a little unconscious and closed my eyes slowly and breathing a shaky last sigh.I slipped into unconsciousness and heard a shuffling sound coming towards me.I heard calls for my name but I was too cold to answer.I felt warm arms covering me as I began to get body heat.I slowly started to wake up and saw Dad hugging me.He saw me and said "Thank god your awake.I thought you were about to freeze to death with this cold"I chuckled as we hugged each other and waited for everyone to wake up.

It soon became less colder being with Dad in my side.I heard a moan from Glimmer and Nerdie as they woke up at the same time."Where the heck are we?" Said Glimmer as she and Nerdie looked around."It seems like a jail cells"Dad said as we came together for warmth.Me,Dad,Glimmer,and Nerdie were huddled up in a corner.We heard some foot steps coming from out of the cell and it seems to be a man.It looked at all of us and gave an evil smile "Oh,you guys are awake" The man looked at us as some sunlight can in revealing his face.It looked just like Dad but with red glowing eyes.We all looked at Dad as he shrug.We stared back at the red glowing eyed Dad as a girl came in.I came closer to her in awe and another sunlight came in showing her face.She looked just like me but with red glowing eyes as well.I stepped back a little and almost tripped on Dad."Well looks like you guys are awake" Said the Evil Dad as he played with some keys."Who are you!What are we doing here!" Demanded Dad as evil me laughed."Me and my Father are the same versions of you but evil.We're clones and we are here to destroy you and your family," She said "We have a little surprise for you though.Master!"A man came walking to them and he looked familiar."Its the guy that shoot Mom and Dad" Nerdie shakily whispered as me and Glimmer gasped."Hello.Remember me years ago?" The man said as we nodded except for Dad of course.We saw him as he counted me and my sisters "You idiots!I said I needed all 4 siblings!Not a man!"The man yelled in anger to the evil versions as they hung their heads down.

"Uh doesn't matter anyways!" He continued as he walked outside of the cell around."I have heard your parents had children that I have been tracking down all these years.Then one day,my nephew showed me a video with your brother failing at making omelets and I finally found the ones I needed"He said as he left,As well the evil versions.I just wanted to cry that we were gonna die and not see Nade again.Dad stroke my hair as I calmed down a little.Me and everyone just stayed silent and listened to the sound of guns being loaded.I just wanted to warp away from all of this insanity.

*Nade's POV*

Me and everyone was in the car driving around for my sisters and Adam.I checked my E-Mails and I found one from a fan.It wasn't a fan letter,It was a letter for help.

Dear Nade,

I'm sorry to tell you this,but my uncle kidnapped your sisters and Adam.He won't release them no matter what!Please go save them!Your my hope for this rescue!I'll give you the directions to get there and please hurry before they die!



I read the letter wide eyed and said "I know where there are at!I have the directions from a fan!"I yelled as they followed the directions to the house.We made it and it looked abandoned and devastated home.The windows were covered up with wooden planks and some covered in curtain.Me and Dad ran out of the car and tried to open door.It was locked.I looked at a window that was covered in curtain.I tried to open the window but it was also locked.I looked around and found a brick that I couldn't carry.Dad carried the brick and smashed it through the window making it shatter in pieces.We got in the window and looked around at the house.We saw a stairway to a basement and walked to there.We saw a wall covered in blood and jail cells.We sneaked through a room that was the side of the doorway and looked at the wall covered in blood.3 persons stood in front of a cell and grabbed a young girl.We looked at her face and it was MZ!Her face was red and she squirmed to be set free.She cried as they took her to the wall covered in blood.There was chains attached to it and they placed some chains around her arm and ankles.The man walked back and hold a gun.He aimed and pulled his trigger and "BAM!" shooted.That has it!I ran up to him and kicked him in the balls and punched him right in his face and kicked him in the knee as hard as I can.

The two sidekicks tried to hold me back as I kicked them right in the chin and flipped them over.They all laid in the floor unconscious and I looked over at MZ.Dad tried to unwrap the chains as I ran over to the cell.There sat Glimmer,Nerdie,and Adam.I unlocked the cell and told them to run out.They started running until they stopped and looked at MZ.Dad carried her as she breath heavily.Adam began crying and carried her.He checked for pulse and her heart was still beating."We have to take her to the hospital now!"Adam yelled as he ran out of the house carrying MZ bridal style."Don't worry MZ.You will live!"I said as she smiled weakly at me.I hope she lives though....

NUUUUU MZ!!!!So that is all I'm writing for now and probably let the rest write the next chapter and stuff.So i hope you enjoyed this chapter.Peace Out!And this is MZgaming signing off!

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