Skype Call

411 4 0

Vanoss  (P.O.V.)

Vanoss woke up and called Delirious on Skype, hopefully he would answer. And speak of the devil he did...
"Hey Delirious..!"
Vanoss said friendly.
"Whats up?"
Delirious said and right after it he yawned.
"A bit sleepy there, aye?"
"You bet, my sleep pattern is fucked up.."
*Vanoss mumbled the words "I wish I could.." it was too mumbled for Skype to pic up his voice.
"H-heh, that sucks.."
"Yeah, I know.."
"So, why did you call me so early in the morning? It's 7AM..."
"I don't know, I was just bored and decided to call you.."
"What type of video should we post today, Vanoss?"
"How about a GMOD death-run?"
"Sounds good, see you later I'm gonna get some coffee and maybe go to IHOP."
"See ya!"
They both hanged up the call.
Vanoss changed and went to Starbucks to get coffee two.
"Can I get a pumpkin spice latte with some extra sugar on it?"
"Coming right up!"
The lady ran fast like the wind and with the blink of an eye she was gone.
"Well, damn she's fast..."
A couple minutes later and she returned back with my pumpkin spice latte.
"That will be 10 dollars and 30 cents."
He handed her the money and walked out of the place into his car.
"Heh, I love these this..."
H20 (P.O.V.)

He sat in his chair for a while then finally he got up.
"I love coffee..."
He got inpatient and played GTA 5.
He was laughing his ass off from the hilarious glitch he found and he wanted to show it to his friends when they got their recording session so it will be in the video for a "funny moment" or something.
Next you know he heard a sound.
His coffee was ready and he poured it into his mug and took little sips out of it until it was finished.
He went washed his mug and laid on his bed slowly falling asleep.

"Dreams Do Come True.." (H20Vanoss X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now