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Who is this?

Lauren. Lauren Kyle...

If you are here to rub it in that you are making Connor happy please back the fuck off.

No that is not why im here. I wanted to apologize for what i commented on your photo a while back. It was out of line and i realize that now.

Wow. Um thank you i guess. So why did you decide to apologize?

Well even though Connor and I are dating, I can still tell you are someone he cares a lot about. And I don't want to hurt the people that Connor loves

That is really sweet Lauren. I forgive you. And I'm sorry as well.

But you didn't do anything wrong.

No I did. I lashed out on you and Connor when i shouldn't have. You guys didn't deserve that.

Well im just glad we put all of this behind us Myra.

So am I.



Thank you for this Myra.

Your welcome Lauren.

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