Chapter 3

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There are Two Things Wrong with This Equation

Max used to have breakfast with his family at 8:30 but this time he was late.

"Max!! Come eat!!" Mom yelled

"Mom can I eat Max's food?"

"No Nina"


Mom went upstairs to see max on the computer 

"Max, honey have you been asleep?"

"No" he mumbled

"Get in bed and you'll eat breakfast later"


Mom looked back at the computer to see what he was doing and all she saw was some stopwatch. She decided to leave it alone until he woke up. When mom got downstairs she saw Nina eating Max's food.



"Now I have  to make more food"

"You didn't give me enough food"

"I did, but you just have a big appetite"

"Sure I do" Nina said stuffing her face with pancakes.

"What am I going to do with you?"

"I dunno,give me more food" Nina said smiling with her cheeks full

"I think you've had enough"

"There is no such thing as enough" Nina said then ran upstairs

5 hours later

"Maxwell sweetie,get up"


"You haven eaten all day"

"Wha-what time is it" he said rubbing her eyes


"I was sleep for 5 hours?!"

"yep now go downstairs and eat before Nina eats it again"


"you know your sister"

After Max ate, his mom told him to go into the living room to ask him about the stopwatch.

"Sooo I saw your computer"

"What about it?"

"what is this stopwatch looking thingamajig you keep searching?"

"Its nothing,I just thought it looked cool. Can I go to my room?"

"yeah sure"

Date: Saturday, October 1st
Journal: 22

Its Saturday and i spent most of April looking for this stopwatch apparently it let's you time travel. Cool right. I read the reviews,well I tried to. Everytime I go on google all it says is "magic stopwatch that you can time travel with". Plus it has no price. Which is strange. There is no way I can tell my mom, she might think I'm crazy.


Its 8:54 am and once again Max is late for breakfast but this time he said he didn't want to eat.

Date: Sunday, October 2nd
Journal: 23

So I told my Mom I didn't want breakfast,well I put a post-it note on my door. I know she is probably worried about me.
So apparently Allison is hiding something and wont even tell Mia. Yeah  I'm friends with Mia. I know you're probably like "why didn't you ask Mia to set you up with Allison?" blah blah blah. I just don't want Mia to know, I like Allison (even though it's completely oblivious). Mia and I have best friends ever since we were 5 and no I don't like Mia but I did. I had to force myself not to because i didn't want to mess up our friendship. What's weird is Mia has been friends with Allison even when she first got here, it's like they've met before, but how? They are probably really close. So the secret must be bad because Allison didn't tell Mia.


Date: October 3, Monday
Journal: 24

I finally finished breakfast. It tasted sooo good. I had my favorite PANCAKES!! I was happy until I remembered school. I really don't want to go to school today and really don't look forward to seeing Allison.

Author's Note: i know my stories are short but i just started and I'm thinking of things to write. Give Recommendations:):):):):) 

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