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sarah's pov:
janie and I are shopping at the mall while the boys went to a local skate park not so far from the house.

"I am hungry. can we go back home?" I asked janie while we were walking. "sure. lets make something for the others."

on our way outside of the mall there was this crowd of paparazzis. "how did they find us?" janie asked me. "I don't even know but lets go get an uber."

"hey girls. are you enjoying your vacation here in london?" one of them asked us and we nodded. they asked us more questions and luckily the uber came to pick us up. "man they are so annoying." janie said making me laugh.

"we're home girls!!!" they boys said once they walked inside the dining room. "hey boys how was the skate park?" I asked them while placing the plates of food onto the table. "it was great we even taught mason some tricks." jake said while giving janie a kiss on the cheeks.

"what's for lunch?" capron asked me. "sarah and I made sandwiches and homemade strawberry-banana smoothies." janie said.

once we were all done eating, we cleaned up the living room and I went upstairs to the room. "hey the boys asked us if we wanted to go to the london eye before the sunsets. wanna go?" corey said as I was walking outside of the bedroom. "sure." I said and went to go take a shower.

after getting ready, we called for an uber to take us to the ferris wheel. "hey guys so right now we are all going to the london eye right now and it is going to be so dope." tanner said to the camera.
we paid for the tickets and went inside the tube. all of us were vlogging and took some really nice pictures before the sun was about to set. we had dinner that was already ready for us to eat.
couple hours later we went back to the house since we have to wake up at 5:00 in the morning to catch our flight back home. I changed into my pajamas and went to bed. "good night corey." I kissed his lips. "good night babe."

"wakey wakey mason." I said while I kissed his forehead. "but I am tired." he whined. "we have to get ready." I said. after couple of minutes he went to go ready. corey and zay went to go get breakfast for all of us at mcdonald's.
we made it to the airport and we were almost late for our flight but luckily we got there just in time. we put our bags away and sat in our seats.

my parents picked us up from the airport and drove us back to corey and I's house. "thank you for picking us up." I said while giving my mom and dad a hug. "no problem sweetie." my mom said while they left the house.

"alrighty guys we are gonna head back home now. I would have to say this is one our best trips together so far." jake said while giving a bro hug to the boys. "agreed. we should go on our next trip in a couple of months." tanner said.

after everyone left, corey and mason went to target to buy mason some new toys. I got a call from my manager, khloe. "hi khloe what's up?" I said while logging into my laptop. "hey girl I just a call from forever 21 and they want you to model for them." she said. "no way?!?! what day do I leave?" I said. "tomorrow and I will give them a call back right now." "alrighty thanks for letting me know." I hung up the phone.

"you're leaving tomorrow morning?" corey asked me. "yes babe but I will be back before you know it." I said while putting my clothes into the luggage. "alrighty I am gonna miss you so much." he said while giving me a kiss on the lips. "me too. how about we go to dave and busters to hangout?" and he nodded.

after getting ready we drove to the grove. mason and corey went to go play games while recorded them for the vlog. "aww man you beat me buddy." corey pretended to be hurt. "it's okay better luck next time." mason said.

two hours later we went back home. "hey mommy is going to be away but I will come back okay?" I said while tucking mason into bed. "okay mommy I love you." he said. "I love you too."
I changed into my pajamas and went to join corey in bed. "good night babe." I kissed corey on the lips. "good night cutie."

a/n: hope you guys enjoyed this long chapter. have an amazing day/night. I love you all so much. -larissa 💕

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