Chapter 6

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© WrittingNinja 2011-2012 "The Reaper's Keeper"

Please support my story if you enjoy it! I would love to enter this into the Watty Awards 2012, but in order for that it needs to have support!


Chapter 6

     I was rushing beside the gurney that carried Mason. I had left Zane and Jane behind to flirt. How could they! It was almost like Jane was under some kind of spell! She would never ditch Mason for a boy... would she? I shook those thoughts from my head. Of course she would... She just proved that.

     I watched as they put Mason in the back of an Ambulance. I didn’t hesitate to go into the back as well, but some people clearly didn’t want me to go. “Evalyn! Where are you going?” Jane screeched from somewhere behind me. I turned and glared her down as she came up to me. “I am going to the hospital because my friend has just been horribly injured! What about you? Go back and flirt with that disgusting Zane!” I snapped at her face, climbing into the back of the ambulance with Mason.

     I watched as the doctors slammed the doors shut. I saw the shocked expression of Jane the whole time the doors closed. I huffed in annoyance. How could she act like this? Didn’t she care about Mason at all? If I could growl, I bet I would have already. “Worthless…” I said to myself.

     I looked down at Mason with sad eyes. He was covered in bandages. Just looking at the sight of blood made me light headed. How could this happen to Mason? He hasn’t done anything wrong… Has he? No… of course not. I could feel tears forming in my eyes as I looked at his pale face. “I’m so sorry Mason…” I said quietly, thinking this was my fault for some reason.

     I heard a small chuckle from behind me, and knew who it was. I turned towards Kuro, glaring intensely at him. “What are you laughing at?!” I snapped. I earned a few strange looks from the doctors that were in the back with us. They can’t see him? Strange… Or maybe it’s not that strange. Gah! Stop babbling Evalyn!

     I stopped my inner babbling and then turned back to face Mason. “What do you want Kuro?” Kuro stepped closer to me, looking over my shoulder at Mason. “He was calling to me. I didn’t know you would be here.” He said casually. “So who is this? You’re boyfriend?” I turned around quickly and met his chest. I rubbed my nose and then glared at him. “Ex. He’s my best friend though…” I said sadly. Mason… I cared for him maybe more than I wanted to… But…

     Kuro put a hand up, cutting me off from my next words. “Don’t even think about Evalyn. I can’t help him…” He trailed off. That caused my curiosity to grow. “And?” I said, but never got an answer. The doors to the ambulance swung open, smashing into Kuro. My eyes widen as he mostly evaporated. Was he screwing with me again? Or was he really there?

     I didn’t know what to do about him at this point. I got out of the back of the ambulance and rushed inside along the stretcher that carried Mason. Mason… Please be alright… I couldn’t help but wonder if Kuro was lying. Could he help Mason? What was he hiding from me?

     During my thoughts, I was stopped in the waiting room by a nurse. “I’m sorry ma’am… but you can’t go any further.” She gave me the saddest of smiled. I stopped myself from shooting her a mean glare. “Can’t go? He’s my only friend!” I snapped, realizing what I said. He was my only friend… I no longer considered Jane my friend. I felt horrible about this… but what else could I do? She didn’t even try to see if Mason was ok!

     The nurse gave me another sad smile. “I’m sorry…” She said quietly before leading me to a chair. I sat down on the hard, cold chair. It wasn’t comfortable at all. I turned my head and noticed a wall clock, slowly ticking at every second that passed. Mason… please don’t die on me.

     I don’t know how long I was there. I had stopped watching the clock and started to pace the room. This was all too fast.  What was I going to do now? Just sit here and wait for the doctor to tell me wouldn’t make it.

     I stopped myself. Was I already thinking he would die? He wouldn’t die… I always thought the worst. I sighed, not knowing how to get through the thought of my closet friend dying… He wouldn’t die! I have to keep thinking positive!

     During my inner argument, a doctor had made his way into the waiting room. He was giving me a curious look as he watched me make different faces. I heard him clear his throat, bringing me to his attention. I suddenly felt hopeful, but my hope shattered.

     “So Mason…” The doctor began, looking a bit nervous. That was never a good sign. Why did this have to happen to Mason?! The doctor must have understood my shock because he quickly reassured me.  “No, no Miss Trinity, Mason is fine. He has slipped into a coma though… common with some patients that go into shock. “He said casually. I took a deep breath, but couldn’t help but worry.  He was still in a coma after all.

     I nodded to the doctor, thanking him for the news. “So… when can I go see him?” I asked hesitantly. I didn’t know how bad his injury was, and didn’t know if I wanted to sit there and know that I can’t help him.

     The doctor smiled weakly at me. “You can see him now if you’d like.” He said, gesturing with his hand for me to follow him down the hallway.

     I followed him down the hallway. The hallway seemed to hold nothing but sadness, the walls plain and white as bone. The lights shined on them, making them almost blinding to look at.

     My stomach twisted in nerves as I walked down the hallway. Could I really see him? I had to… I promise right now to be there when he wakes up. I might be the only friend he has left now… Jane and Zane clearly didn’t want to be our friends…

     I stopped as the doctor pointed at Mason’s door.  I stood outside it, hesitating for the longest moment before forcing my hand to turn the door knob. The sight that I walked in to see, made me want to scream in fear, and rip a certain someone to shreds.

So what do you think she saw? I’m so sorry for the lack of updates… Chemistry and French are so hard! DDDx Plus I have been busy with other things. (My life is so full of drama…) Anyway, I guess I should start uploading more than once a week… maybe start thinking things through every detail… I have the plot set out for this story, it just the in between stuff that is giving me such a hard time. xDD Oh well, you guys like this so far? Remember the contest!

What would YOU like to see in this story? Post your idea and I will choose my favorite, and add it in here somehow. xDD It helps me out guys!

Thanks again, and remember that he may be watching!

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