Chapter 11

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© WritingNinja 2012 “The Reaper’s Keeper”

Thanks for the support you guys! I’d like a favor from you though… if you haven’t already, please fan me so you guys can get in on more of the TRK action! I’m sending out messages to my fans about TRK, and yet I see nothing happening… it’s kinda weird and makes me feel like… I don’t know… like people lost interest in the story? It makes me worry… is that what’s going on?

Anyway, on with the story!

Chapter 11

                The floorboards of the room creaked eerily as Kuro made his way slowly around Zane. The air was thick with many emotions that would forever linger between the Demon and his Master. Was this a bad thing? Zane was only worried for his master’s health… that female keeper has kept him too busy for feedings, and this has started to catch up with Kuro. Ok, ok, he killed a woman that he met here in town, but he did it for his master’s sake! Was that really all that wrong?!

                As Kuro slowed his pace to a halt in front of Zane, it was clear in his master’s eyes that Zane committed a grave mistake. “Why?” Kuro asked first. His head tilted slowly to the side in a mock curious look. Why? There were so many meanings to that question at this point… what exactly was his master asking of him?

                As if Kuro had heard his servant’s thoughts, he narrowed his eyes to a deadly glare at Zane. “Why have you broken a Law of the Guardians by killing an innocent?” Kuro snapped, earning a flinch from his servant as a reward. This flinch reminded him of who Zane was to him, a servant. Zane was a human cursed to live an immortal life as a demon that had to come at every beckoning call of his master. That is what Zane was to Kuro, nothing more, yet nothing less.

                Zane could see his master’s face put on a circus of emotions. Each one made him shiver, shudder, flinch, or gulp. He hadn’t seen his master like this in a very long time. His master started to act a bit… crazy when he was hungry, or overwhelmed, but usually hungry. Zane watched as Kuro came back from whatever world he lived in when he spaced out. The look in his eyes stiffened his spine with an icy chill.

                The smirk that slowly crawled its way onto Kuro’s lips was making him appear as a mad man. The tilt of his head made him seem like he was in thought of how to torment his servant. Zane couldn’t help but sink backwards into the Victorian chair he had been seated in as Kuro inched closer to him. The air thickened visibly this time as a shadow of a dark aura floated around Kuro like smoke.

                Kuro was hungry, and angry. This was never a good combination when it came to Zane. The worst punishments came when he was hungry, especially this hungry. How could a mortal girl keep Kuro from feeding this long? How distracted was he? It was highly strange that his master would go this long without a single harvest.

                Kuro made his way around Zane again, slowly and with hat dark aura thickening, Zane knew this wasn’t going to end well for him. Would his master loose himself to the black blood in his veins and kill him? At this thought, Zane’s heartbeat sped up. He hadn’t been all too worried until the thought of the Black Blood taking over his Master’s ability to think for himself, or see the things around him.

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