Chapter 10

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© WrittingNinja 2012 "The Reaper's Keeper"

I want to thank you guys for the support on this story! I actually am going to be holding a contest soon. That information can be found in a separate story called 'Ninja's Contests' on my profile. It'll be posted soon so just enjoy this chapter for right now. xDD

Well, I wanted to thank you guys for helping me get this story on the Watty Awards list, AND the Fantasy list. x3 I'm thankful and would like to reward you guys. I'll be more active on this story, I'll be holding contests, and if the story gets popular enough then I will have a fan based website made up for it.

Thank you all for supporting this story, and I hope you enjoy this chapter. It should clear up the plot and everything that has happened so far.

Please keep supporting by sharing, voting, commenting, and reading the story! thank you!


Chapter 10

     Here I was. My eyes were closed, but I could feel the coolness that graced my back gently. The blanket had been thrown up and it left my back exposed to the morning cold. My eyes fluttered open. The light from the window made me narrow my sensitive morning eyes. I didn't remember leaving the curtains open. I never did.

     I sat up slowly, looking over to my left where Kuro should have been. He wasn't there. The place where he had slept, if he did, was cold. He left a long time ago. I sighed, swinging my legs over the side of the bed and letting my feet touch the cold floorboards of my bedroom.

     I wanted to see if he was still here. Maybe he was, but knowing him he most likely wasn't. I stood up after waking up completely, yawning and stretching my stiff arms as they protested to stay close to my sides. I wanted to crawl back into bed and just fall asleep. I wanted to wake up in my normal life and say, 'that was one strange dream' then tell my grandmother about my dreamland adventure.

     But sadly, this wasn't one of those times. I couldn't wake up and tell my grandmother about another strange dream I had. I couldn't go out to the park with Jane and Mason and have Jane tell me I was crazy while Mason just nodded and acted like he understood.

     But now I knew he did understand. This whole time he knew exactly what was going on. Well at least that's what I'm guessing.

     I made my way out of my room slowly. I couldn't sense Kuro in the house, but I knew I wasn't alone. At least I didn't think I was. I might as well go and see who was here and why. If it were Mason, then he had a LOT of explaining to do. If it where Kuro, I'd ask him him why I couldn't tell it was him and why he was still here. I didn't expect anyone else to be here at this point in time for no reason.

     As I made my way down the hallway, I suddenly felt worried. Why? I didn't have a reason to be worried. Maybe it was because I knew it wasn't Kuro, and I knew it wasn't Mason ether. As I turned the corner into the living room, I stopped and stared at the girl that stood there.

     Jane stood there just as snobby looking as ever. Her blonde hair fixed up too well for it to be done by her own hands. Her makeup made her look even more fake than usual. Her short shorts and tie up shirt that just covered her chest made her look slutty. All in all, she made Barbie look Real.

     She seemed to notice the disgust on my face, because her eyes quickly softened and she backed up a step from me. I walked out into the room, standing in front of her with my arms crossed over my chest. "What do you want?" I spat, venom laced through the words that left my lips.

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