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I wake up in my bed in a cold sweat. I lift my head up and immediately feel nauseous.


I slowly lower my head down back to my pillows, with my hand over my
mouth. I stare at the ceiling of my room until my nausea cools down.

'Ugh, I feel so weak'

After a couple of minutes, I try to lift my head up again. I don't feel too nauseous. I sit up on my bed. I get up and walk over to my luxurious bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror, I'm sweaty and my face is close to paleness of a vatborn Mog.

'Shit, maybe I could sneak into Marina's room and take some of her pink makeup stuff that goes on her cheeks'

I change into a Flash shirt that Sandor bought me one day, I used to hate it, but it reminds me of Sandor's love for comic books, and a pair of jeans. I slowly open up my door and check to see if anyone is there. The coast is
clear. I sneak over to the kitchen to see if Marina is there, she is. She and Ella are making breakfast for everyone. I walk over to Marina's room, I check if anyone is watching me, then I enter.

Lorien Legacies - Nine's IllnessWhere stories live. Discover now