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********__John's Pov__********

Nine vomits twice then collapses. His face is in a puddle of his own puke.

"N-Nine?" I ask.

'He must have blacked out'

I move Nine so that he's laying on his back. I pick him up and hold him bridal-style. I carry him to his room, using my telekinesis to open and shut doors.

I lay him down on his bed and go to the kitchen to get a washcloth, so I can get the puke off his face.

I walk down the hall to the kitchen. I go over to the cupboard. In it are a ton of clean washcloths, I grab one. I soak it with cold water, then I ring it out. I bring it to Nine.

I fold up the washcloth and lay it on Nine's forehead. I put his trash can on the left side of his bed.

'I should go tell the others that Nine is sick'

I go into the living room where Sam and Eight are playing Mario Cart 8. (There are other Mario Cart games but Eight wanted to play the one with his number)

"Sam, Eight" I say.

"Yah" Sam replies.

"Hey John. How'd the training go?" Eight asks me.

"Ummm, well, uhhh. That--ugh" I stammer.

They both stop playing and turn towards me.

"Is something wrong? Did something happen?" Sam asks.

"Well, y-yes. J-just please help me find Six, Ella, and Marina" I manage to stammer out.

"Ok" Eight replies with worry in his voice.

"I know where Six is, I'll get her"
Sam says.

They both go in different directions.

I sit on the couch. BK rubbs his head on me, I pet him.

'I'm so nervous. I hope Nine's ok. Maybe I can go check on him for a second'

Eight teleports Ella into the room. Sam, Marina, and Six run into the room.

"In Nine all right?" Marina asks me. She's incredibly worried.

"Um. He-he's sick" I say.

"No way" Eight marvels.

"Like how sick?" Six asks.

"He vomited twice then blacked out" I reply.

"Then we should go take care of him!" Ella says. She's just as worried as I am.

"Yah, that's a good idea" I reply.

"Well, where is he?" Sam askes.

"He's in his room" I reply.

We all go in Nine's room.

Nine is still laying on his bed, a cool washcloth layed on his forehead and a trash can beside his bed. His face is still incredibly pale.

"I don't think he's sick" Eight starts to say. "He's never been sick before, and he's Nine. This could just be a prank"

Six hits Eight upside his head. "How could someone imitate that!? And why would someone imitate that?!"

Ella walks over to Nine and looks at him.

"I dunno, but he's Nine? Why wouldn't he play a joke on us?" Eight says calmly.

"NINE" Ella gasps.

We all turn around to face Nine's bed.

********__End of John's Pov__********

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