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***Check picture for seating chart***

"SUP LOSERS" I shout, with a stupid grin on my face.

"Good morning, Nine" John says to me, with a smile.

I take my seat at the head of the table.

"I see you decided to wear a shirt for once" Six barks, a smirk forming on her mouth.

"I wouldn't want a nosebleed before training" John mumbles, while
blushing a bit.

'Our training. Shit. I forgot all about it. We're supposed to train after breakfast'

"You're right Johnny" I reply, while forcing a smile. I put my arm around him, pulling him towards me. "I wouldn't want you to bleed more than you have to" A sadistic smile plastered on my face as I look at him.

BK barks at me while John laughs uncomfortably.

I take my arm off for around John as Ella and Marina bring everyone their breakfast. We all say 'Thank you' to them.

"You're welcome" Marina and Ella reply.

My breakfast is an omelet containing ham and cheese. The second I get a whiff of the scent, I feel nauseous again. I put my hand over my mouth.

"You OK Nine?" John asks, worry in his voice.

"I'm fine" I reply, putting my hand down. "I just don't wanna eat, I'm too hyped for our training sesh" I force a smile.

John turns towards Ella and Marina. "Can Nine and I be excused so we can go train?" He askes them.

"Sure" Marina says. "Go ahead"

"BEAT HIM, FOUR" Shouts Eight.

"YAH, GO JOHN" Sam yells.

Six laughs.

We get up out of our chairs. Ella grabs my hand.

"You can do it Nine" She says, while smiling.

"Thanks Ella, I will" I reply.

John and I make our way over to the Lecture Hall.

Lorien Legacies - Nine's IllnessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin