One Fateful Stream

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(Authors note: I want to thank you all for reading this story! As well as your guys support! Also I would like to share with you guys another awesome story called "Boy of power" by Datkid01 so far I'm hooked on this and I hope you will be too!!! Now to back to my story!!! Spread the word please and thank you!!!

This story is being edited so this is not cannon yet until further notice. (Rather till this message disappears.))
         I had opened my eyes, and a few feet away from to me was a strange man sleeping on a pile of leaves who looked to be 30, or at least 26. He had jet black hair, sun kissed skin tone, a well built body but not too muscular, and handsomely cunning face. While I was staring at him trying to figure out why we were here, and why we were in the same place. "Nngh," pain shoots through my head. I curled up in a ball and held my head.
"Are you ok?" He asked me as if he was still sleeping. Then, as if realizing something important, shot straight up to check if I was injured.
"You don't even know me, and no... my head hurts, a lot," I told him.
"I know you. You are Luna, the girl I am sworn to protect even if my life is on the line. It seems though, that you have forgotten me. Buddy. Sparkles. Guard Luna while I'm getting fresh water,"
At this point, I had started remembering the events that had occurred last night. Aimos. He said that he wasn't my stepfather. Rather, he's my Guardian. Of which was assigned to him by my mother, my real dad is after me for some strange reason, and neither of my parents are actually deceased. All I know is someone, at one point, has lied to me. Just a random thought, but I think it's the attractive young man who claims to be my old, ugly stepfather, Aimos.
"I'm back with the fresh wa-WOAH!!! It seems your head is ok if you had made that good aim," I had picked up a rock that was laying around and threw it at him, when he got back to the cave.
"Tell Me Who You Really Are!!!" I ordered.
        He only sighed and said, "I am Aimos, your main or should I say head Guardian, and I'm not lying!!!"
       "Why do you look the same age as me then?" I asked in a sarcastic tone.
       "I was trained at a very young age to protect you. I thought that you would be less dense and more understanding than this, but looks like I'm wrong."
       "Well excuse me for acting like a normal HUMAN BEING!!!"
       "Except your not a normal human being. You are the princess of Foxbridge," he said it so casually as if saying hey to a friend.
       "What Do You Mean?!?!" I exclaimed. "Even if I was a princess I would still be human, right?!?!"
       "Not exact, you see Foxbridge, is different. You have to be least 50% sorcerer or at least 50 % of another mystical creature to rule. Your mother, to everyone else Queen Grace, is 99.9% sorceress. Your father... it's early to tell you about him-"
"No, I need to know my father if he is chasing me!!! Wait, I'm not even a princess!!! You are making this up!!!"
"Will you stop being stubborn for one second!....... So explain to me why there is a protection spell on the cave and the systems that you weren't even aware of at the time even existing, then," he exclaimed in a confident tone as if winning an argument.
"What???" I asked. I was utterly confused as to what was going on.
       "Do you want to know why this cave is your 'safe place'??? It's because you casted the spell of protection apparently unconsciously, a strong one at that to, since your not a full blooded sorceress, but also part- *cough, cough* Sorry I got little carried away there you don't need to know that part yet, but just now you are very powerful. That's why your father wants to use you for something. We, the kingdom and military, still have no clue, but your mother and only your mother knows everything about the situation. This is why you are far away from Foxbridge and why I am here guarding you, along side Buddy and Sparkles. Even if this wasn't the case I would still be guarding you," he explained.
       "Okay, this is absolutely crazy but I will choose to believe you, just for right now. What do I need to do to prepare, or prevent conflict with my father???" I asked.
       "Don't choose to believe me for only a moment, but choose to believe in me and my words forever or until we both die. It's a good thing I know how to teach you to cast spells then. Which, not to toot my own horn, but is part of many other reasons as to why I'm your guard, and head guard at that,"
       "What are the other reasons???"
       "Being attractive, being near the same age as you, I'm only 2 years older than you so I'm 17 by the way, so we can relate to each other more, my exquisite sword fighting skills, of which I will teach you as well, I will train you to be Foxbridge's next Queen, plus a proper princess which is just teaching Foxbridge's manners and the way of life to everyone, the list goes on," he stated, proud and full of himself.
       "So you are like my Guardian, Instructor, and Advisor... so all of that in one???"
       "Pretty much,"
       "Is there anything you can't do???"
       "Apparently, make friends,"
       "Nah, I'm sure there are plenty of girls waiting for you to waltz them away, and guys who would love to eat steak, other manly foods, and do manly things with you. Plus, I'll be your friend," I said, smiling at him.
       "Thanks, you're the first person to ever say that to me much less princess to say that to me,"
       "I'm just saying what I think is true,"
       "Roof, Roof!"
       "Meow, Meow!"
       "Oh yeah, I haven't fed Sparkles and Buddy their breakfast yet. Speaking of which, what are we going to eat???" I asked. When all of a sudden GUMBLE, GUMBLE... needless to say I was starving.
       "That sounded almost like a giant jumping up and down as hard as he or she can,"
       "OH COME OFF IT!!!"
       "OKAY, GEEZ I was only joking, we can go fishing now, so we can feed Sparkles, Buddy, and ourselves, for lunch we can hunt EDIBLE birds, I will teach you which is and which isn't, and for dinner we will hunt deer and make a fire using magic. Speaking of which you will need a wand to channel your magic. Here, your mother said that I should give this to you at the right time, and I think now is the time," This was all too much to take in at one setting. He handed me the wand that looked to be royal. He said ones he handed it to me that it would change its appearance to fit my magical power and personality. It reacted exactly as he told me it would. While in my hands it changed into a lovely scepter. "Well that rare, then again you are a rare person,"
        "THIS IS RARE, AND I'M RARE!!!," I yelled.
"Yeah, and don't question it for now it will only cause you more confusion,"
"Okay, let's go already I'm starving!!!"
        So with that we traveled to where Aimos got the fresh water from, and I tried to go fishing. Key word TRIED, lets just say fishing is not my specialty.

Meanwhile back at the mansion.
"King sir, our troops were attacked by a magic knight dog and cat following orders from Princess Luna's head Guardian. Also we tracked them to a cave, but we cannot seem to go inside, sir," a mysterious black shadow like creature reported into a crystal ball showing what appeared to be a dark throne room.
           "UGH!!! YOU LET THEM GET AWAY!!! FIND THEM!!! It is about time I pay my daughter a visit. Mwah ahaha!!!"

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