One Fateful Training pt. 1

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           Where is the location of this map? "I should probably ask someone about this," I thought to myself. "Um, excuse me, but Mr. Shoppekeeper this paper in this book. It look like a map to somewhere, and it seem strangely familiar."
"Reason why this seem familiar, las, is because this is a map of Foxbridge. See, this is where me shoppe is located. Book must have known that you will need guidance to go to the castle. So you can talk to Queen Grace, and request to train with a guard that is the best of the best. His name is Aimos. If he is there that is... Or if you are lucky enough you'll train with Queen Grace herself even," the elder shoppe keeper replied.
"I'm sorry, but what??? Go to the castle, this earl- I mean, GO TO THE CASTLE!?!?!? TALK TO THE QUEEN!?!?" I asked startled. Then, I thought to myself, "Aimos is right here as well."
Aimos leaned down to my ear and whispered, "Don't worry we aren't going to the castle now. However, we will in the future."
I had a strange feeling. I was at first relieved, then rage grew in me. I shut my eyes and clenched my fist while thinking about Mom. I want to know more about my mom, what was she like to be titled Queen Grace the Great, ask her why would she send me away, how she could live with that decision, WHY?!HOW?! I have some many questions, and small amount answers. Wait what is this feeling? While I was lost in thought I felt power flow through me. It felt overwhelming, so much so that I lost conscience.
Aimos's Point Of View
The grimore's pages started to flip until it stopped at a memory return spell. Luna's hair began to levitate, then her body soon followed. She started to chant something, mind you she never opened her eyes to even read the grimoire. I'm actually quite impressed. However, now is not the time to be impressed. I looked at the shoppe keeper, he nodded back. "LUNA!!! Snap out of this!!!" I scream to her hoping it would snap her out of it without using magic. However, it was not enough for her to stop.
                The shoppe keeper sighed. He closed his eyes. In a clear voice, one of which was not like his, he spoke only one word, "Stop." Then the grimoire slowly shuts, as if it was just now tamed, Luna gradually starts sinking down. It looks as though she is unconscious. "She will wake in a half hour. Aimos, you could have easily used the paralyzing spell. So what happened? Why did you hesitate is it because she is the princess? Also, I'm guessing her father has paid a visit to the hidden forest Queen Grace kept watch over for years. It is only a matter of time."
             "So you did recognize us. I shouldn't have doubted that you wouldn't recognized us. I thought that since we look different from growing up..."
            "You think just because you two grew up I couldn't sense my own magic barrier. Plus, why would you even want to hide from me." The shoppe keeper said in a now formal and unusual speech compared to when he spoke when he greeted him. However, Aimos payed no mind.
             "So it seem she was unconsciously unlock her memories... What do we do? Better yet what can I do? Teacher."
              "Man it has been such a long while since anyone has called me Teacher." The shoppe keeper looked out in the distance as if having a flashback into his memory.
               "Yeah, Dr. Nester, I'm sorry, and to be honest I was not trying to put a lot of news on her all at once. So she wouldn't do exactly what was about to do in her unconscious state of mind just now and cause mayhem for all of us. Man she sure has some what of a short fuse."
                "That's probably due to my magic barrier wearing off. Oh! Don't worry I'm sure she can handle her true magic by the time it really begins to take effect. Speaking of magic did her father personally come pay a visit to you two?"
                "Thankfully no, however the shadow hounds chased us out. 'Buddy' and 'Sparkles' took care of them though. I'm glad that I made Luna make a barrier protection spell though."
"How did you do that with out telling her about her magic ability?" Dr. Nester looking fascinated asked.
"I may have or may not have disguised myself with magic to look like an old man and might have been mean (very mean) to her enough to where she wanted to leave the house to spend most of her time in a cave she thought she discovered to feel safe, secure, and let her mediate to cast her natural protection spell. Like what any young minded person would do. So when we were under attack, like what happened a few days ago, we could escape and have at least a month to recover, go to safety, let her learn magic, etc." Aimos said in a just now realizing his mistake manner, that then followed with a self smack to the forehead.
                "Brilliant as a cold hearted machine, however that was a terrible plan for you as her guard. You should have been nice. Then show her the cave to play to hang out, eat food, and camp there and essentially making fond memories there thus casting a stronger, so may argue the strongest, protection spell that could last much longer than a month. Nice try though especially coming up with that kind of plan at such a young age."
                 "I was thinking of speed at the time not quality. However, that's not an excuse. I'll have to sit Luna down and apologize to her properly and sincerely for my foolishness."
                 "Good I would make up for by showing her how to use that spell."
                 "Which spell are we talking about Dr. Nester?"
                 "You know which one it was the your first spell I taught you."
                 "Oh you're talking about that one!!! Those were the times and you're right!!! I should teach her that spell!!! I should probably head back now with Princess Luna, see you later Dr. Nester!!!"
                 "See ya later me boy!!!" Dr. Nester resumed to what seemed to be his normal, jolly self.
                 I picked Luna up in bridal carry and took her made a portal the hideout. Took a step inside the portal, and laid Luna on the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2018 ⏰

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