Ones Fateful Magic

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(Authors Note: Thank you, everyone for 43 views and 28 followers. I really enjoy seeing people like my series!!! It really warms my heart to see this :D!!! Alright, enough typing the authors note!!! I have a story to continue!!!)
"Inferno!" As I said this, I gave my magic scepter a wave. My eyes and body felt...... weird. Like my life force was shaping the fire. *Spark, FOOSH* I made a fire, but not just any fire, but a bonfire. "Aqua!" I really hope didn't burn the fish this time!!! It was burnt and soggy. HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE?!?! It looked disgusting, like yesterday's. So Aimos once again had to fish more and cook now.
       "Okay we'll have to work with controlling your magic, that's good because that is more of advanced magic," he reassured me.
"Okay, but how am I suppose to 'control' my magic???" I asked in a discouraged, shy tone.
"You have to figure that out for yourself. It's different for everyone. For example, some people dip down, or meditate, time ranging from hours to years then they use their magic. Some people just go all out by using all of what they are capable of doing, no restraint, rest then use magic. Which if you were to do this then we all would probably die. OW! Don't punch me! It's only a possibility! Last but certainly not least, use simple spells levitational spells all the time, or using magic with out your scepter,"
"Okay but how do I figure out which one is for me???"
"Try two of them. The thing I said about, using all your magic then resting and then use magic normally, is NOT an option for the time being. That method is strictly for war, for your mother made this a law way back,"
"Right, by the way, what is my mom like???"
"She is the sweetest person to ever live. She took me in when I was a 4 year old, back when you were 2. When she visiting the capital in disguise, I was sitting alone on the street corner. I was there on the street corner hoping to find a home because thugs burned it down along with my parents to this day I don't know why. Anyways then the thugs tracked me down, but before they could lay a hand on me. There was a flash of light coming from a cloaked lady, you guessed it, it was your mother, Queen Grace, and the thugs were teleported to the guards with a magical note, I don't know what it said but they were in big trouble. It was probably a list of their crimes. So, ever since that day I vowed my loyalty to her and her family. Then, after me crying tears of joy, she asked me if I wanted to live in the castle. Of course, I said yes, but there was a catch I had to serve and protect you. So this is my payment back to her. Hm? What's wrong???"
"I'm just a payment back to my MOM!!! How dare you use me as pay back or anything?!!!" I stormed toward the exit of the cave.
"Wait, I didn't mean it like that!!!" He said as he tried to stop me from leaving the cave. "Plus this is not the cave you know it is a magical path to the forest in Foxbridge,"
"I don't care," I thought at the time. Then, he grabbed my hand and pinned me against the cave wall. "UNHAND ME RIGHT NOW THAT'S AN ORDER!!!"
         "Sorry, but your not my boss and I am here to protect you, because of the loyalty I have towards the kingdom-"
         "You said it was to pay back my mother kindness, not loyalty towards the kingdom, and I said... Let... Me... Go!!!" With that time froze for a brief moment, everything felt weird again. I didn't have the scepter in hands, thankfully, or Aimos would have died. Instead, he flew back to a patch of grass outside the cave. "I'll be leaving now, alone," I said to him as I walked past him, but then Buddy and Sparkles finally made me come back to me senses. Why did I care if this was pay back for my mother, and not for the sake of keeping me safe??? Why does my heart sting??? Why do I feel pain in my chest???
        "Ugh, *Cough, Cough* Wait... I don't... Want... to... be... alone... again..." after that he passed out I must have shocked his life force to much, and that was a hard landing he took there. I used a levitation spell, once again without my scepter, to carry Aimos into the cave. I made a soft, bed by using a saplings in the the cave, a piece of lambs wool, and of course, just a little bit my magic to make the bed reality. If I would have know I can do magic before this situation, I would have done this to customized my part of the cave more. I think would love to invest in a magic book it might be beneficial to me, since I didn't even know I was part sorceress until yesterday.

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