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"Why does school exist?" Michael said with an annoyed voice as he was finishing up his final pancake.

"Because education is important and I don't want you growing up not knowing what to do with your life." Karen said as she placed a kiss on his head, took his plate and put it in the sink.

"I wanna be Luke Hemming's husband." Michael said with a wide smile.

"And I wanna be rich." Karen laughed.

Michael pouted which made Karen laugh more.

"I'm kidding sweety. You'll be with him."

"Thanks mum. I should get to school now, don't wanna leave Ash waiting."

"You're right go!"

"Bye, love you!" Michael said leaving his house.

"Love you more!"

After a boring day of learning, Michael was finally heading to his favorite place ever.

His home.

He wanted to finish his movie from last night and talk to his mum.

Michael is a teenage boy, but he and his mum have a bond that will never be broken.

As Michael made his way closer to his house, he heard sirens and loud speaking.

This made the young boy worry and start running faster to his home.

Once he arrived everything seemed to be in slow motion.

The blood, the screams, the tears, the body.

His mother was being pulled away into the back of an ambulance, her eyes being shut.

"MUM! MUM!" Michael yelled as he ran towards the workers holding his mother.

"Step away from the body sir."

"That's my mum!" Michael yelled with tears streaming down his face. "What happened!?"

"She was pulling up into the neighborhood when two cars came out. There was a huge crash and if we don't take her to the hospital right now she might not make it."

This news made the Michael yell out a heartbreaking sob and fall onto his knees.

The ambulance left, his mother being inside of it.

"I can't loose my best friend."

Well that's depressing

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