Chapter 1

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And here I am, alone at the park.

How did a loving, beautiful young girl come to being alone at Luna Park? Her friends ditch her. 

Thats how.

My name is Bailey James - and before you ask - yes I am a girl. My parents very simply wanted a boy

Anyhow - here I am wandering around Luna Park at 8 o' clock at night, looking for my friends that aren't here. My eyes catch a mysterious young boy of about 17, his dark hair framing his glowing face. He's here with friends, clearly - he's climbing up the stairs to get onto the ranger with a  group of attractive young men. He looks over his shoulder at a friend - a smile on his face and his eyes...

They completely pass over me. 

Well - I am NOT missing this chance. It's not like i've never been on the ranger before.

I stare up at the towering ride hanging from a glowing circle in the middle. 

I have never been on the ranger before. But like I said - I will not miss this opportunity.

I jump into the line - not like that many people are here, not many people like being hung upside down - or risking their lives on a ride that has probably gotten stuck before. 

As I'm climbing the clangy metal steps my mind runs through all of the possible complications, I could throw up, I could fall out, the ride could break, the ride could get stuck in mid air, the electronics might break and we will be stuck there until help comes. The door could slide open as we are going upside down and I could slide out.

I do not trust this ride.

But here I am...

Getting on it. 





I walk up to the platform and scan my wristband on the... well... scanner.

She points me to the aisle where the group of boys are sitting. And guess what. Mysterious guy #1 is....

Not going to be sitting next to me. 

But - is this God's willing hand? 

The boys begin to swap seats so that they can sit next to their friends and as I walk up to the aisle to sit down, it turns out Mysterious guy #1 is right next to me. 

I would be happy if he was no where near me but hey, RIGHT THERE IS OKAY?!!!

I sit down, placing myself down very awkwardly, I can feel the heat rising on my face as I feel the boys eyes on my head and body - surprised a dork like me would get on. Well, probably not a "dork", more like a gorgeous but completely awkward looking girl.

Well. Here I am. And to be honest. 






The doors slide shut and they latch shut firmly. 


I have made a terrible mistake. 

Here I am, in the last waking hours of my life, next to the boy of my dreams... and I'm going to scream, cry, pee myself throw up, and then die. 


I am right next to the GODDAMN DOOR.

WHY? oh god; WHY? did the lady place me HERE??

Anywhere but right next to the door. 

The ride starts up slowly. The ranger swinging forwards a little, I hold firmly to the metal bars above my head, my knuckles turning white. 

The dude behind me giggles. 

The ride swings backwards. 

I relax, thinking 'hey, maybe the ranger just swings back wards and forwards for 2 minutes and then we get off.

Then the ride went upside down. 

I screamed. 

I let out a blood-curtling scream.

I held onto the metal bars so hard I lost all feelings in my fingers. 

Then, as we are going upside down a second time, the Mysterious guy #1 places a firm hand upon my leg. 

I would protest but I'm too scared to care - my lungs are refilling, ready for my next session of screaming. 

I look towards Mysterious guy #1 quickly and see his friends all laughing and not holding on and just having a great time going upside down. There is only one guy that seems to be stressed out - just full on distressed.

And that guy is....

 Mysterious guy #1. 

He isn't holding onto anything but my leg. He looks at me for a second, fear prominent in his eyes, and then looks back ahead. He refuses to hold onto the bars that I am grasping as though my life depends on it... because.. well.. it does.

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