Chapter 2

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Just to remind you, I have the hottest guy I have ever met holding onto my leg so hard that I am losing feeling in my leg.




Like, it's kind of uncomfortable, having a random stranger holding onto my thigh...


hey, at least he's cute.

I can just see me as an old lady telling my young children how daddy and I met.

At Luna Park.

On a ride. 

With him gripping my thigh. 

Wow, I can never preach to my children about staying away from strangers. 

But then my mind is snapped back to reality.

There is Mysterious Guy #1 holding onto my legs, his face so pale his freckles stand out like glitter and my knuckles are so white they would put snow to shame.

Shockingly, I have managed not to pee myself; or vomit. So... I guess those are the only good things going on right now. 

I also probably look like a complete and utter mess, my hair is probably everywhere, however my- oh poop.

My shirt.

Is coming.


I start blushing so hard that I look like a bloody pumpkin.

Thats why the guys behind me were laughing. Not just because of my screaming but because there is a chick with basically; no shirt on. 


To fix my shirt..

I have to move my hands.

SO... right now I have two options.

1. Die falling from the Ranger.


2. Die of embarrassment.

The second seems more likely as Mysterious Guy #1 turns and looks at me just as we go upside down. 

He looks at my face. 

and then

his eyes


and he blushes so hard it probably puts me to shame. 

I look at him pleadingly, 'please' I try to say with my eyes, 'help me'.

He seems to get the picture because he...

turns around and blushes profusely. 

Seems that I will have to remove my hands from the only thing holding me in - well, other than the harness - and fix my shirt. 

I slowly loosen my grip from the.. well... the grips, and grab a hold of my shirt. 

I pull it down and tuck it into my jeans then firmly replace my hands upon the grips. 

The guys behind me laugh even more. 

The ride slows and I loosen my grip. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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