Chapter 20

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Gabriella Sui

It's 10:00 am in the morning and the first thing that welcomed me from a good night's rest was a fever punching me right across the face. I look down groggily on the bubbles floating on the tub, my eyes getting heavier and heavier.

"You okay?" I hear Katherine ask from the door, and she comes inside with a towel in her hand. "I really don't recommend you take a cold bath at this state you're in." She looks at me disapprovingly.

"I'm okay.. I just feel really hot," I mutter, stepping out of the shower and grabbing the towel from her hand. Drying myself.

"You're not." Katherine frowns. "But first let's get you comfortable in bed first."

"I'm really sorry that I couldn't babysit Nancy for you just how I promised yesterday.." I stare at Katherine's emerald eyes, determined to keep eye-contact with her, my world slowly spinning again.

"Enough about that, what's important is getting rid of your fever." She helps me outside of the bathroom, and towards the bed.

I lay down on the bed, taking the towel off and just wrap myself with a blanket. My mind was getting mushy and blank.And I didn't know what to do— and I feel really really out of breath.

"Easy now," Katherine ties my hair up and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Thank you, Katherine.." I mutter, giving her an apologetic look.

"Not a problem," Katherine pats my head. "I'm going to send somebody here to give you a light breakfast and the medicine you should be taking. I'll check in on you tomorrow. I already gave instructions to Kai. So rest."



I groan at the sudden exposure of light over my eyes. "Close the curtains. Please." I whine.

"How are you feeling?" I hear Keith's voice.

"Like I got ran over buy a truck." I groan. My eyes opens wide and I sit up, a blanket wrapped around me. I look at Keith who is leaning against his desk. "Y-you don't think I'm dying, right? Cancer? Ebola?"

"No." Keith frowns.

"Are you sure?" I say a bit horrified. And he throws a pen at me, hitting my head. I glare at him. "Ow!"

"Stop being stupid. And put some clothes on before some idiot enters the room." He gathers his paper works from his desk, and puts it inside his briefcase before, sitting down beside me. "Also, you havent eaten anything since this morning." He reaches his hand towards the try on the bedside table, I follow his hand and found a sandwich and medicine that Katherine was talking about earlier.

"What time is it?"

"4pm. Eat." He orders, placing the tray on my lap.

I start eating the sandwich, with Keith loosening his tie. He stares at me the whole time, but says nothing until I finish. I look away awkwardly, taking quick chomps of the sandwich. He hands me a glass of water at the beside table.

"Don't you have work?" I frown at him, gulping on water along with the table of medicine Katherine had prepared.

"I'm gonna be somewhere around 10pm, tonight. So for now I'm free."

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