Ch 1- Strange Dude, man

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A/N: I'm going to be adding music into this fanfiction. I know that this is video game music, and some find this very distasteful. However, I'm going to make sure that it fits the theme of the current events of the story. So bear with me okay?? Any-ho I hope you enjoy it. 


It all started on a Monday morning...

"Cerise! Wake up!" A male voice called from downstairs. The voice woke me up, and my eyes gradually opened. Of course, it felt like I had to peel them open because of how long I had slept. And afterwards, they stung like beedrill. My eyes adjusted to the light the seemed to filter through my long, draping curtains. Beams of light hit my face. 

  Though I thought that getting out of my bed was a hassle, I soon thought otherwise as I saw my hair in the mirror of my room. I got so carried away that didn't realize my brother-- someone who I'd wanted to see for a long time--was right in front of me. 

  I saw the beige haired man had his signature smirk, only this time, a new sense of education could be seen lurking in his eyes' glimmer. 

  I ran across my room as fast as my legs would carry me, and I jumped at him. 

  My brother--Blue--was back. 

  "Oh my gosh, Blue! I missed you so much!" I exclaimed though it was halfway muffled as I embraced him.  

  My brother chuckled and looked back again with his steely eyes. They seemed to glimmer with happiness that i had never seen. It almost seemed as if something had been accomplished in his life that he had been trying to do for a long time. 

   "Happy birthday, Cerise," Blue whispered softly. 

  "Thanks. ...wait...It's my birthday...Than means...." 

  "You know it!" 

   I gasped suddenly in excitement. I had as of now realized that since I had put this off for six years, I was finally able to go on my pokemon journey. Daisy, my sister who had guarded me like a mother, wouldn't have to baby me or spoil me anymore. 

  Blue handed me a device. It was pink and gray, with two screens. I immediately identified this as the Pokedex. Once more, I gasped. I would not only be able to start my journey finally, but I would also get a Pokedex. I knew that not many people had them in the world.  

 I gathered all of the necessary items, with the help of Daisy, and packed them in my backpack. I would finally get to venture out into the world and see what lie outside of pallet town. 

Yet the pokeball he handed me... I had no idea what pokemon lie in there. Well, surprises aren't all that bad, right? 




I took my first step into route one and I knew that my life would change for the better or worse in this exact moment.  

 I felt the wind hit my face as I started to run and run. I heard a roaring sound in my ears as I cut through the wind. Sunlight beamed on me and I smiled. Air coursed through my hair and gave me a whole new -- fresh feeling. 

 I ran to my heart's content. Faster...



My heart raced and my breath shortened. I ran until my lungs begged for air. I tried to slow myself down, but it was already too late as I went face first into something. 

 I looked up to see someone who looked like he was kinda pissed. 

 "Watch where you're going!"

 "Oh, I'm so sorry!" 

  I scurried off, because that guy really freaked me out. His hair was a golden- blonde, and his eyes were green as a forest. They seemed to swell up with so much hatred, anger, and disdain when I looked at him. His clothes, a tattered mess, were all black with some red. And to top it off, he had a couple of piercings on the top of his ear.  

 "Y-you're a Rocket a-aren't you?" I stuttered in fear, because I had heard about the evil team my brother was talking about. He told me they looked like thugs and wore dark clothing. I shivered at the thought of running into one. He fit that vague description, though he may not actually be a Rocket. 

  "What the hell is a Rocket? Oh, never mind. Just leave me alone little girl." 

  "Oh I'm sorry." 

 I left that weirdo alone and started to walk off so I could let my pokemon out. 


  Yeah, that was my pokemon saying that apparently. I took one look at it. It was the strangest thing I had ever seen. I had a tail like that of a fish, and big green claws for feet. It also had a giant white head that looked like armor. This pokemon was truly an enigma, and I really didn't understand it.  I probably looked like a confused chicken right now. 

  "Hi there, I'm Cerise, nice to meet you... uh....?" 

 "Silvally. I'm Silvally." 

  "Well then, shall we begin our journey?" 

  "Hell yeah!"

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