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Lance's POV

     Keith and I walk down the sidewalk to the nearest bookstore, 'Torn Pages Bookstore'. He grabs my hand and pulls me into the store then starts looking around at the books. Earlier, Pidge caught us "Kissing" in the elevator...

     "Wait, Victoria and Gavin don't know yet?" She had asked. We had sat down on a couch in the lobby and explained everything to her.
    "No, so you can't say anything." I told her. "I don't think they could handle the truth..." she nods her head understandingly. After she swore to secrecy, we headed to the bookstore. "So, what books are you looking for?" I ask Keith. He drags me to the back of the store where nobody is and pulls me into a back corner. He grabs the front of my shirt and pulls me into a kiss. Startled, I don't kiss back immediately. He leans back and makes eye contact with me.    
"I don't need any books." He smiles cheerfully then kisses me again. This time, I kiss back. Keith pushes me up against a bookshelf and it starts to lean; he notices and stops for a second. He looks up and waits for the shelf to steady then continues to kiss me. I hold him closer to me as we make out in the back of the small store. Suddenly, the thought of Victoria washes over me. I pull away from Keith. He looks at me funny but doesn't say anything. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin the moment..." I apologize.

     "It's fine, really." I start to lean close to him but he walks away, giving me a cold shoulder.
I'm soooo sorry I haven't updated in a while. School is killing me 😖

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